Disney launches trailers to tease Galaxy's Edge Rides


Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge announces itself as the most immersive attraction that Star Wars fans can experience, this attraction offering a fresh look at future experiences. Watch the trailer for the attraction "The Resistance" in the video above.

Weekly entertainment debuted in the trailers, describing "Rise of the Resistance" as an attraction where "guests will be able to experience what it's like to be caught in the crossfire of a conflict between the First Order and the X-Wing dogfighters of the Resistance ".

The site also debuted a new look at "Millenium Falcon: Run Smugglers, "which can be seen below.

The site describes that "visitors will begin their experience by operating the engines of the" Han Solo's Fastest Ship in the Galaxy "for a bold escape from Batuu, the distant world of trade that serves as the basis for the theme park." and adds "guests can take on one of three different tasks to ensure the success of the mission."

The video output at the house of Solo: A story of Star Wars brought a feature that shed more light on what customers could expect from the Falcon experience.

"You really control the fastest and most iconic ship in the galaxy," said "the executive creative director of the Asa Kalama Armory"Millenium Falcon: From Page to Park "featurette". And Hondo, he went ahead and added a few extra seats in order to get as many of these flight crews as possible. There are 200 buttons, knobs and odd switches inside the cockpit and they all do things. If you are the gunners in the center and you do not shoot these TIE Fighters fast enough, they will enigmate the hull with laser bolts. The engineers at the back, it's really up to them to keep the whole Falcon in working order so they're looking for hard work on their different systems. "

Another exciting announcement about the park is that John Williams, who composed all the scores of the saga less Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will create a brand new music that will be heard in the 14-acre park. Williams is about to close his Star Wars mandate by composing the score for Star Wars: Episode IX.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge is expected to open at Disneyland and Walt Disney World in 2019.

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