Disney will slow down its Star Wars release schedule


In a new interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Disney CEO Bob Iger discussed everything Star wars to the streaming service planned by Disney (it is intended to compete with Netflix) that the alleged integration of the assets of Fox by the media giant means for the X-Men.

Iger also widely talked about creating an open and safe work environment as a result of the #MeToo movement, and revealed some key goals for the company, including direct sales of its individual brands.

One of Disney's biggest brands is, of course, Star wars, who followed a calendar of a movie a year. Acting critics that a movie a year might be too much, Iger seemed to agree, saying in retrospect that it could be "a little too much, too fast":

I took the timing decision and, thinking back, I think the mistake I made – I blame it – was a bit too much, too fast. You can expect some slowdown, but that does not mean we will not make movies. NOT A WORD. [Abrams] is busy doing[[[[Episode] IX. We have creative entities, including[[[[The iron Throne the creators David]Benioff and [D.B.] Weiss, who develop their own sagas, of which we have not spoken. And we're just at the point where we're going to start making decisions on what's going to follow after J.J. But I think we're going to be a little more careful about volume and timing. And the shot stops there for that.

Given the massive success of the revived Star wars franchise, with a new entry in the lead the end-of-the-year box office reports each of the last three fiscal years – the force awakens in 2015, Thief A in 2016, and The last Jedi in 2017 – it is not too difficult to read between the lines and to assume that the film in the spirit of Iger could be that of this year. Star wars anthology entry Solo: A Star Wars story.

The first Disney certified box office Star wars era, with relatively poor critical reviews to start, SoloReception muted pointed out the first real signs of Star wars tired. With similar stand-alone films based on Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi at various stages of development, not to mention the stand-alone film series previously announced. The last Jedi director Rian Johnson and The iron ThroneDavid Benioff and D.B. Weiss, Disney seems to rethink how it can stretch this universe without exacerbating this fatigue.

As for Marvel's film universe, Iger hinted that Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige would be responsible for managing the supposed absorption of Fox's X-Men franchise, although he remains vague about others. details. (This is largely because the Disney-Fox merger, while expected, is still awaiting government approval.)

Attention to the content of the brand seems obvious, however, emphasizing the need for long-term adaptability and transformation over short-term benefits:

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