Disney would not let Wreck-It Ralph 2 make a joke of Kylo Ren


Disney's animated films are known to sometimes make jokes about pop culture but before the release of Ralph breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston revealed that a joke of Kylo Ren had not been retained. Moore revealed more about what happened in a recent interview, noting,

Disney apparently has a pretty strong communication between departments, as Rich Moore explained, the creative team has turned respectfully to Lucasfilm with the original idea, after which they have been quickly slaughtered. Given that the upcoming film already notoriously has a scene starring Disney princesses embodying their different personalities and stereotypes, the lack of tolerance with respect to a Kylo Ren joke may seem a surprise, but the filmmakers do not seem too ready said "no".

Instead, they told IGN that the decision to remove Kylo Ren's joke made sense for the film. For a jab to work, you really have to "pay tribute to these characters" and not give it a shot for comedy. Phil Johnston also told the television channel that the film was really meant to be "satire amorous" and that, apparently, Kylo Ren's joke really did not fit that model.

Ralph breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 does not completely avoid the popular Disney Star Wars franchise. In fact, C-3PO is about to become the butler of the next film, also in the scene of the princesses.

Director Rich Moore has already explained why Princess Leia was not included in the Disney Princess scene, noting:

If you have not seen the full trailer for Wreck-It Ralph 2 in all her princess glory, be sure to check below.

So it seems that some Star Wars references will succeed, but some did not really match the direction taken by the film or what Disney hoped to see in the movie animation. We will be able to see if the tone Ralph breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 It's not too hot, not too cold and, in fact, just right when the movie will be released in cinemas on November 21, 2018.

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