Disneyland Resort OK workers contract that raises wages | Business


Unions representing nearly 10,000 workers at Disneyland Resort put an end to a month-long labor dispute by voting Thursday in favor of a three-year contract that increases hourly wages by 20% immediately and another 13% in January. 19659002] Employees – including confectioners, custodians, retailers, attraction operators and others – voted by secret ballot throughout the day at Disneyland's Lincoln Theater in favor of an offer which immediately increases the minimum hourly rate from $ 11 to $ 13.25 and January, three years before the California minimum wage reaches that level. An increase of $ 15.50 per hour is planned for June 2020.

Employees of resorts with higher wages, such as truckers, would get more modest wage increases, with workers earning $ 20 per year. Receiving an increase of 60 cents the hour immediately. Another 75 cents in January. Hourly wages would increase to $ 21.99 in June 2020.

All workers will receive a retroactive wage increase of 3% or 50 cents an hour, whichever is greater, until June 17 2018.

The contract applies to workers in four unions at Disneyland, California Adventure Park, Disney's Anaheim Hotels and the nearby shopping district.

A summary of Disney's offer indicates that the contract will give workers more flexibility to take vacations in smaller workers to get full-time positions. The agreement also requires Disney to provide specific reasons for dismissing or suspending a worker and increasing the minimum time between shifts from nine to ten o'clock.

"Disneyland Resort is proud to offer an exceptional employee experience – a new bar with some of the highest minimum wages in the country – our unprecedented offer demonstrates our commitment and attention to our cast members and is the biggest increase in our history, "said Josh D'Amaro, president of Disneyland Resort." Our cast members are at the heart of fulfilling the dreams of our guests, and this significant pay increase reflects the roles valuable that they play at the station. "

Artemis Bell, a member of the union bargaining committee, said: as the largest employer in Orange County, to recognize the struggles that workers are going through as the cost of living continues to increase in the region. "

Bell, a Disneyland night watchman, said:" With this contract, we are a step closer to & # 39; a better situation for thousands of employees who put as much energy and heart into their work.

Union leaders said that Disney had offered an increase of $ 15 an hour ago several months ago. because it included cuts in professional benefits and forced unions to resort to arbitration to resolve future conflicts.

"It's really a historic day in Orange County," said Lucy Dunn, executive director ncil. "OCBC congratulates Disney for its business leadership and continued investment in its employees and the community."

For Walt Disney Co., the approval of the contract only solves a migraine work.

Unions have collected enough signatures to place on November 6, in Anaheim, a measure demanding that Disneyland Resort and other hotel companies accepting municipal subsidies pay workers a minimum of $ 15 an hour to As of January 1, wages increase by $ 1 hour every January 1, 2022 Once the salary reaches $ 18 at the hour, the annual increases would then be related to the cost of living.

The voting measure, if approved, would replace any union contract, at least for the increases that the law would require each year. 1. In addition, the contract approved Thursday relates to the salaries of about one-third of the 30,000 workers at the station; the voting measure would fix a minimum hourly wage for all workers in the station.

Disney officials and other Anaheim business leaders formed a coalition to beat the measure, arguing that higher wages will discourage future investment in the city and city. will kill proposed projects, such as a luxurious 700-room hotel near Disneyland

Unions have been pressuring Disneyland to raise wages for months, starting in February when they commissioned a survey of 5,000 workers. do not earn enough to pay for expenses such as rent, food and gas. Disney dismissed the study as biased and inaccurate.

Even Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders jumped into the fray, speaking at a rally for unionized workers in Anaheim in June. The former presidential candidate has invited Senator Elizabeth Warren and 21 other Democratic legislators to sign a letter to Walt Disney Co.'s general manager, Robert Iger, asking him to exploit the company's considerable profits for pay a living wage. pm: This article has been updated with a statement from Josh D'Amaro, president of Disneyland Resort, a statement from a union representative as well as additional details about the voting process.

This article was published at 22h25

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