Dispel all encrypted social media messages from Khloe Kardashian


Khloe Kardashian

Eric Charbonneau / Shutterstock

Khloe Kardashian For some time, some fans have worried and worried about some new encrypted messages on social networks.

34 years old The amazing Kardashian family star has used inspirational viral quotes, the type that you may have seen on, for example, a Pinterest board, to express on Instagram in the past. However, she has increased the frequency of these publications this week.

On Friday, she posted three quotes on her Instagram stories.

The first seemed to be a grunt written in his own words: "There are literally three people in the world with whom I can hang out over four hours without strangling them."

The second was a viral quote: "I hate critics, I'm kind of, oh, hey, you smoke, good for you, oh, hey, you drink, drink fk, you do not do it? ton of make-up, cool, do not do, well, I do not care if you have tattoos or piercings, I do not care if you have money or not I do not care from your past, I'm not in a position to judge, and neither are you. "

A third post was another viral quote: "Lord, grant me the serenity of accepting stupid people such as they are, the courage to keep control of myself and the wisdom to know that if I'm acting accordingly, I'll probably be in jail. "

On Thursday, Khloe posted on Instagram photos of her modeling a pink jacket, writing, "All this, and you stay standing.I am proud of you! You are doing a great job! Continue."

On Wednesday, she released the following viral quote: "If you have been violently broken, but you still have the courage to be gentle with other living beings, you are a villain – with an angelic heart. . "

Earlier this week, Khloe shared on his Instagram Stories account this viral quote, often attributed to the author, scientist and personal development coach. Isaiah Hankel: "Do not ever feel bad about making a decision that upsets your life about your life.You are not responsible for their happiness.You are responsible for your own happiness.Everyone who wants you to live in misery for his happiness should not be in your life to begin. "

Suffice to say that Khloe goes through something.

It has been difficult months for her; she and her boyfriend NBA player Tristan Thompson faces a fraud scandal involving him, which broke out just before she gave birth to their daughter True Thompson, his first child, in April.

Khloe also launched an inspiring quote in 2016, a year in which she broke down and finally divorced. Lamar Odom, several months after helping her recovery from her overdose at the end of 2015.

In February, shortly after her revelation, she and an NBA player James Harden The reality star had shared on Instagram a graphic that said: "We never really see how toxic a person is until we breathe fresh air." She also became more personal, writing in a long caption: "Let me remind you that we do not need anyone's approval to be happy in life." It's up to you to validate and accept your version of happiness. Take back control. "

"Letting go, it's freeing yourself from something that is no longer beneficial for your personal growth," she wrote. "It means eliminating people and toxic mentalities from your life so that you can make room for relationships and ideas that are conducive to your ever-changing happiness and personal development."

In April 2016, Khloe shared another cryptic message, a graphic of a quote from Nayyirah Waheed, author of the 2013 book salt.who said: "Someone may be madly in love with you and not be ready.They may love you as you have never been and still do not join you on deck. be their reasons, you have to leave. "

"The fact that someone does not like you like you do not mean that they do not love you wholeheartedly," wrote Khloe.

The following November, when she was pregnant with True and a few months after starting out with Tristan, Khloe published the graphic of another inspiring viral quote, "Fate Loves Fearless." Its legend was almost identical to that of February.

A month later, Khloe finalized his divorce with Odom.

In May 2016, Khloe explained on her website why she shares quotes on social media.

"One of the main misconceptions about me is that the quotes I post on Instagram are deep information about my problems," she said. "I do not just post quotes when I live something."

"Quotations have the right to move you and make you feel in some way – it does not mean that you should even have experienced what the quote refers to," she continued. "It's what poetry is all about! 95 percent of my quotes are just things that touch me and make me feel good."

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