Divers struggle against floods in search of caves in Thailand


Divers trying to reach 12 boys trapped in a Thai cave faced fast flooding on Friday as their desperate search for survivors entered a sixth day.

The heavy rains that hit the region complicate the huge rescue effort.

Rescuers said that torrents had filled two chambers, blocking the road to where the youth and their football coach could have retired.

The darkness inside the Tham Luang Cave in Chiang Rai Province is compounded by muddy water, reducing visibility to a few inches, in conditions that some lifeguards have assimilated to bathing in cold coffee.

Junta leader Prayut Chan-O-Cha arrived in the region on Friday to console desperate families who have camped outside the cave since the boys disappeared on Saturday.

The heartbreaking search of boys, aged 11 to 16, who was suspended for several "They entered yesterday and dived for several hours," told AFP the governor of Chiang Rai, Narongsak Osottanakorn

. Several water pumps have been installed to obtain water. He added that another 40 people were being shipped from Bangkok on Friday, he added.

Other teams have traveled the mountain to find places to dig a hole in the roof of the cave without causing collapse. but could be difficult because the (drilling) machine weighs two tons, so we have to find out how to lift it and where to place it, "said Narongsak.

Three British divers and a team of American experts are on places to help a thousand members of the Thai Navy, Army and Air Force, as well as police and border guards to find the young football team and its 25-year-old coach

which one was "promising", said the governor

The youth of the football academy "Boar" entered the cave after practice on Saturday and were trapped when heavy rains blocked the main entrance.

Research teams found their bicycles, backpacks and Near the opening

Officials said that the group had already been in the cave several times and knew the site well.

A sign at the entrance warns visitors not to enter the cave during the rainy season. At 10 kilometers long, the Tham Luang cave near the borders of Laos and Myanmar is one of the longest in Thailand

It is also one of the most difficult to navigate in because of its narrow passages.

The rescue operation in a cave in northern Thailand is complicated by torrential rains flooding the complex

Map of Thailand showing a cave where schoolchildren were trapped for days

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