DMC ordered to pay $ 135 million to a girl partially paralyzed after the operation – History


– A jury says the Detroit medical center will pay $ 135 million to a 10-year-old left partially paralyzed after an operation.

The jury declared the hospital and its doctor guilty The two-week trial and the verdict of $ 135 million, according to attorney Geoffrey Fieger, are the result of disabling injuries that Faith DeGrand, Wyandotte, Michigan, suffered in 2010. The girl He was then 10 years old and was taken to the Children's Hospital of DMC for scoliosis surgery.

"The surgeon inserted stems and screws to straighten his spine, which was good," said Fieger. But Fieger says that the way the surgeon inserted them caused compression of the spinal cord, resulting in numbness in Faith's arms and legs

"The patient needs screws and hooks and bars immediately. the abandoned, "said Feiger. "In fact, he went on vacation twice while she was paralyzed and that she had lost the use of her intestines and bladder."

Withdrawing the material around his spine 10 days later, Fieger says that it was too late. Faith has become a quadriplegic with a permanent loss of control of the bladder and intestines, in a wheelchair for a year.

But at trial, DMC's lawyers claimed that Faith had a blood clot and that they could do nothing to prevent it. .

"Nobody saw it, there was no MRI, or anything that says that," Fieger said. "They literally invented that to go to trial."

The hospital was not available to comment on Monday.

Fieger and McCullen say that & # 39; they are inspired by Faith and loving mother who took care of & # 39; it daily [19659002"UnjuryducomtédeWaynearenduleverdictleplusimportantauxEtats-Unispouruneseuleaffairedefauteprofessionnellemédicale"adéclaréFieger"Pendantseptanslafamilleaattenduespérantetnesachantpascequiallaitsepasser"L'avocatJamesMcCullen

Feiger and Cullen call the jurors who make the verdict Monday heroic, after two hours and a half of deliberation.

Still, they say the $ 135 million victory does not really look like a victory.

"She will have enough money to change her probe for the rest of her life," said Fieger. "That's it."

"It's going to be tough, but it'll make it a little easier," McCullen said. "But that's all he can do."

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