Dmitry Rogozin, director of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, said that Russia could "win a little war"


Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, Russian Space Agency
source of picture: Sputnik International

Russia has always dominated in the case of space exploration and everything. Recently, Dmitry Rogozin, president of Roscoscmos, said that the Russian Space Agency owned ten jet planes, which made them equal to the Guatemalan or Hungarian air force.

Dmitry Rogozin, director of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, said his agency could "win a little war" on its own during his conversation with Moldovan President Igor Dodon.

"I can say how many aircraft we have. We have 10 fighter planes and three helicopters, three of which are Il-76 [planes], six Tu-134, two An-24, one An-26 and one An-12 ", Rogozin told the Moldovan President.

"But why do you need fighter jets?" Dodon asked.


The full name of Roscosmos is Roscosmos State Company for Space Activities. he is responsible for activities such as spaceflight and cosmonautics program. It was originally known as the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. The headquarters of Roscosmos is based in Moscow and the main control center of the mission is located in the city of Korolev.

The current director since May 2018 is Dmitry Rogozin. In 2015, the Russian government merged Roscosmos with the United Rocket and Space Corporation, the nationalized Russian space industry, to create the Roscosmos State Corporation.

"[They are used] for the training of cosmonauts. [They are] The 39, Rogozin replied. "In principle, if necessary, we are ready to win a little war," he added jokingly.

As for Moldova, it had 34 MiG-29 fighter jets, but the maintenance of all jets after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was so expensive that it was sold to D & # 39; Other countries such as the United States, Eritrea and Yemen. At present, the country does not have active combat aircraft.

Aero Vodochody is an aerospace company that manufactured the Aero L-39 Albatros. It was the most successful training jet developed so far in Czechoslovakia, but is now based in Odolena Voda, Czech Republic. In 1972, L-39 was chosen as the main training aircraft for the Warsaw Pact countries, including the USSR. The plane is two-seater because trainees fly with an instructor.

"They are pragmatic," Rogozin said of the United States. "If they can not do the same thing cheaper and with higher quality, why reinvent the bike?"

Addressing Igor Dodon, Dmitry Rogozin also revealed that the United States continued to buy rocket engines in Roscosmos, despite reports from the US media that Washington was intending to stop doing business with the Russian Space Agency.

This aircraft can be attached with the number of different weapons like bombs, missiles and infrared guided missiles.

Tags: Dmitry Rogozin, roscosmos, Russian Space Agency

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