Do not let your parents and grandparents decide for themselves the 2018 election


Unless young voters want their parents and grandparents to make decisions for them, the statistics show that they have to start filling in their ballots.

According to the daily updates of the Colorado State Secretary's Office, younger voters gave a fraction of the number of votes compared to their elders.

  • In the 18 to 25 age group, 34,000 voters voted. This represents only 8.7% of active voters in this age range.
  • In the age group of 26 to 40 years, 115,000 voters voted. This represents only 12.6% of active voters.
  • If you combine the two age groups, just 11.4% of 18-40 year olds voted on October 30th.
  • A quarter of a million people between the ages of 41 and 60 have voted so far. That's 22.3% of voters, so just over one in five.
  • More than 400,000 ballots 61 years old and over have been returned. That's nearly 43% of active voters over the age of 61.

According to a Pew Research article released earlier this year, adults belonging to Generation X, Millennial and Generation Z groups outnumber older voters by 42 million in 2018, but if one in mid-term results, the participation of younger voters falls short.

Census data shared by Vox indicates that 23% of young voters chose to vote in 2014. In the same report, Vox made links to various polls on the turnout expected this year; One of them said that only 28% of young voters wanted to participate in 2018, while other polls estimated it to be around 50%.

In Colorado, each age could have a higher turnout one week before the election. Here are the latest numbers of votes we found for the two main parties based on the vote report received (October 30) and an SOS report describing the number of voters in Colorado by age and party since October 1st. The latter includes active and inactive voters, but gives you a general picture.

461 145 registered Democratic voters 18-40>

372,025 registered Democratic voters 41-60 | 83,342 voted

343,373 registered Democratic voters 61-71 + | 140,538 voted

341,887 registered Republican voters 18-40>

413,809 registered Republican voters 41-60 | 87,958 voted

381,640 registered Republican voters 61-71 + | 159,098 voted

If you really want to get upset, check out the links above to see the numbers of unaffiliated voters.

So why would not young voters (or whoever) participate?

Maybe filling a ballot with a pen and paper is not your problem. You can go to a polling station in your county, use a tablet and fill out your ballot as if you were using an iPad.

People of all ages have trouble understanding voting problems. If reading a paper version of the Blue Book is not your business, you can click on it and browse it online. Or you can use the 9NEWS Voter Guide for help.

Are you confused about voting yes or no on judges? Read the assessment of the performance of each judge.

If you do not know how much postage you put on your ballot envelope or if you do not know how much a stamp costs, you can deposit it in a 24-hour ballot drop-off location. Again as we are in a week of election day, it is recommended to use a drop-off location instead of returning your ballot because the postmarks do not count. They must be received no later than polling day, November 6 at 7 pm

Want to explain a personal reason why you are not voting? Email me at [email protected] to explain (any age); Tell me why and the last time you voted. You notice a mathematical error? Same address.

© 2018 KUSA-TV

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