Do not spank: pediatricians warn parents against long-term harmful effects


The academy said that research conducted since its disciplinary policy of 1998 had led to the update. He says that spanking is losing favor with parents, especially those with young children. Although some parents still believe that this can lead to behavioral improvements in the short term, studies have shown that spanking is no more effective than punishment without physical punishment, including waiting times, setting firm limits. and establishing undesirable consequences.

The group also suggests storing favorite toys or reducing the time spent in front of a screen.

"While many spanking children become happy and healthy adults, current evidence suggests that spanking is not necessary and can result in long-term harm," advises the academy.

Studies published over the last two decades have confirmed that spanking can make young children more aggressive and more provocative.

Other studies have established a link between physical punishment in childhood and subsequent brain changes in young adults, including a reduction in gray matter and high levels of stress hormones. Studies have suggested that suicidal behavior, addiction and anger are among the possible long-term consequences of spanking.

The academy also warns of severe verbal abuse, including shaming children, citing research linking it to depression and adolescent behavioral problems.

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