Do you have the "suicide gene" ?: Scientists discover a biological link


According to one study, there could be hundreds of genes making people more likely to commit suicide.

Scientists have discovered four genetic modifications that are surely more common among people who have committed suicide.

And they say there are more than 200 other people on whom it is worth doing more research to find out if they have any connection to suicide.

The researchers hope that identifying people naturally at higher risk of suicide will help them target mental help to the right places.

Scientists have discovered four genetic changes that occur more often in people who commit suicide than others, and believe that 207 more genes could be linked to suicide.

Scientists have discovered four genetic changes that occur more often in people who commit suicide than others, and believe that 207 more genes could be linked to suicide.

Scientists have discovered four genetic changes that occur more often in people who commit suicide than others, and believe that 207 more genes could be linked to suicide.

Researchers at the University of Utah made this discovery by examining the DNA of 1,300 people who had committed suicide in that state.

They found that changes in some genes, named SP110, AGBL2, SUCLA2, and APH1B, were more common in people who had committed suicide than in other people.

In addition to these four genes, there are 207 others that "deserve further analysis," the researchers said.

Scientists have already suggested that suicidal tendencies may exist in the family, but it has proven more difficult to accurately identify the genetic changes that triggered them.

The discovery of these genes and people at high genetic risk may help mental health services to intervene more effectively.

"It's clear that genetics is only part of the risk in suicide," said Dr. Hilary Coon, lead author of the study.


October research reveals that LGBT teens are more likely than other kids their age to try to kill themselves

Children and adolescents who identify as sexual minorities face unique risks of bullying, discrimination and mental health issues in the United States and abroad.

Data from 35 previous studies show that young people belonging to a sexual minority are three times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual peers, researchers in JAMA Pediatrics reported.

The analysis covered a total of nearly 2.4 million young heterosexuals and 113,468 sexually-minority youth aged 12 to 20 from 10 countries.

Transgender teens were 5.87 times more likely, gay and lesbian teens 3.71 times more likely, and young bisexuals 3.69 times more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to attempt suicide.

"I think that a difficulty of self-acceptance and social stigma could be the key to understanding such an increased risk of self-threatening behaviors," said the study's lead author, Dr. Ester di Giacomo of the University of Milan-Bicocca.

"But we hope these discoveries will lead us to highly susceptible individuals so that we can develop better interventions to help them bypass this risk."

Among the genes involved, one of them – APH1B – would be linked to Alzheimer's disease, suggesting a possible link between brain disease and the risk of suicide.

The DNA samples used were taken from distant relatives of 43 different families over nine generations in Utah.

The researchers stated that this meant that they could examine people with a similar DNA but in a different environment. Thus, two members could have a very similar genetics but would not both be affected by the same events in the family, for example.

In addition to the four genes identified in the study, 18 of the 207 genes selected by researchers have already been associated with the risk of suicide of a person in previous studies.

And 15 of them have been linked to inflammatory health problems, which means that there could be a connection between these and the risk of suicide.

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, killing 44,000 people a year.

In the United Kingdom, suicide is the leading cause of death for men aged 5 to 49 and for women aged 5 to 34 years.

"Previous studies on families and twins have taught us that there is a significant genetic risk associated with suicide," said Dr. Douglas Gray, lead author of the journal.

"Genes are like plans. The first step is to find the genes that increase the risk. The identification of specific genes can lead to new treatments for those who suffer. "

Dr. Coon added, "We think these results are just the tip of the iceberg. We will continue to look for other genetic modifications leading to risk. & # 39;

The research was published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.

This comes after the NHS official said last month that social media companies should be forced to pay a "mental health fee" to solve problems with sites such as Facebook and Instagram.

Simon Stevens, managing director of NHS England, says that a financial contribution from social media sites would help to "stem the flow of mental health problems" in the UK.

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