Do you hurt guacamole? Secret to perfect the avocado dip


Lawyers are now ubiquitous in our homes, so when you're preparing a treat for friends, guacamole seems the obvious and easy solution.

But according to one expert, many cooks at home make crucial mistakes when it comes to mixing the popular dip.

Eduardo Gomez, the founder of Tequila & Mezcal Fest, revealed the perfect method for a quick and authentic guacamole and pointed out that replacing lemon with lemon juice is a mistake.

He shared his recipe with FEMAIL before the festival's arrival in London next month.

According to Eduardo, not using enough juice is another common mistake, the juice of two limes being the amount needed to properly balance all the vibrant flavors.

He said people sometimes use parsley in the dip, when the good herb to include is coriander, and he added that his kick should always come from fresh chilli – not dried.

By putting the ingredients together, he suggests using a blender or blender to get the perfect mix.

He says the perfect guacamole is made up of three ripe avocados, Thai chili and coriander as much as you like.

The word Guacamole comes from the Aztec language, with "Molli" meaning sauce, and "Ahuacatl" meaning avocado – making it the literal translation "Avocado sauce".

Gomez said, "Sometimes the easiest recipes can be the most difficult to prepare – if you want to make a very good guacamole, you have to balance all the flavors.

"Personally, I like guacamole a little, but it all depends on your palate or the palate of your guests.

"The most important thing is to use the freshest possible ingredients and the avocados must be perfectly ripe, not too soft, but not too hard either."

The perfect guacamole recipe

• You will need:

Three ripe avocados
A fresh green pepper. Eduardo Gomez recommends using a fresh green Thai chilli
Freshly squeezed juice of two limes
Cooking salt (to taste)
Coriander (as much as you want)

Cut chili and coriander as small as possible.

In a medium sized bowl, crush the avocado flesh with a fork, leaving a few pieces for more texture.

Then add coriander, chilli, lime juice and salt to the mixture.

Mix the ingredients with a larger spoon or spatula to bind them without creating too much dough.

Taste and add more lime or salt if necessary to try to find the rest of all the ingredients.

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