Do you need carbohydrates to survive?


Americans certainly have a love-hate relationship regarding carbohydrates. European and Asian cultures are always giving way to pasta, bread and rice on their plates, but here in the United States, carbohydrates are like banana sacks: in one day, the next day (and then, again?). With the low carbohydrate and high fat ketogenic diet the food plan of the moment, the current consensus seems to mimic that of the first auguries when the popularity of the Atkins diet was at its peak: the carbohydrates are not good.

Keto enthusiasts limit their carbohydrate consumption to only 5% to 10% of their diet, which is well below the recommendation of the American Dietetic Guide that 45 to 65% of total calories come from the macronutrient. The gap between the recs is so great that both can not be healthy. So what's the problem? Are carbohydrates an essential part of your diet or not?

First of all, it is important to know the difference between the different types of carbohydrates available. "Simple carbohydrates are found in foods like sweet soda and bread, which are quickly absorbed into the body," says Wahida Karmally, PH, RDN, CDE, PhD in Public Health and Specialist Researcher at Columbia University. "But foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains have complex carbohydrates, which have many nutritional benefits and are absorbed more slowly." So when experts talk about carbohydrates as "bad" discouraging – there is a benefit to consuming the second carbohydrate category (more on that in a second).

Anthony Gustin, DC, a functional medicine practitioner, believes so much in a low carbohydrate diet that he founded a whole keto company, Perfect Keto. As you can guess, he thinks that you can live totally without carbohydrates, of all types. "Carbohydrates are not important at all," he says bluntly, saying that even if the body can use them wisely, it is possible to survive without consuming anything. "They can be used for energy, but they do not to have be used for energy. "

what are the carbohydrates used
Photo: Stocksy / Vera Lair

Gustin explains that when you eat carbohydrates, the body breaks up and converts the components into glucose, which then passes into the bloodstream. "Then it is used for maintenance of red blood cells, brain function and bodily functions." That seems very important, right? But even though Gustin says that blood sugar is essential to the body's diet, it's not just about reducing carbohydrates.

He explains that during a process called gluconeogenesis, non-carbohydrate compounds, such as amino acids from proteins, are converted to glucose to produce energy. The body can also use ketones, chemicals created from fats, to get energy instead of glucose. (This is essentially the rationale behind the keto diet: without carbs to use to produce energy, your body will begin to break down fat instead.)

While your body may find other sources of energy, Dr. Karmally advises you not to completely eliminate carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates found in healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. "If you do, you'll miss a lot of vitamins and nutrients, including fiber, that help with digestion. That's why people who consume low carbohydrates and increase their intake of fats and protein, but not their consumption of vegetables, may end up feeling constipated, "she says. To this day, Dr. Karmally says that the body can subsist without carbs – it will not stop suddenly at you – but it certainly will not be on top: missing the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables inflammation.

The sports nutritionist certified by the board of directors, the registered dietician and the director of nutrition at Trifecta Nutrition Emmie Satrazemis agree with Gustin on the fact that carbohydrates are not technically necessary. "Although they are not essential for survival, they make up the majority of the foods we eat, including fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.. Thus, eliminating them completely would mean missing so much nutrition, "she explains, echoing Dr. Karmally's feelings.

Satrazemis says there is no strict rule on the optimal number of carbohydrates, but she insists that there is no need to worry about carbohydrates or worry about them leading to weight gain. "Carbohydrates have a negative impact, but when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, it's more about calories," she says. "If you do not eat more calories than you need, you're not going to gain weight, even if your diet contains a significant percentage of carbohydrates."

do athletes need carbohydrates?
Photo: Stocksy / Darren Muir

What about athletes? Do not they need carbohydrates? Gustin and Satrazemis both work with professional athletes and have reached the same conclusion: it depends on the type of sport you practice. "If you do something that requires short periods of energy like sprinting or weightlifting, carbohydrates are a better source of energy than proteins or fats because they are stored directly in the muscles and are more readily available. Satrazemis explains. "But if you do a more sustained workout, like a long time, healthy fats are an ideal energy source because they consume less energy."

"Carbohydrates have a negative impact, but when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, it's more about calories." -Emmie Satrazemis, RD, CSSD

But both experts point out that, unfortunately, the average person does not have the same nutritional needs as a professional athlete and that most people overestimate their fuel requirements. But, hey, if you keep hitting a wall during your workouts, you can try adding carbohydrates to your snack before workout and see if that makes a difference.

The bottom line is that you will not feel good if you completely reduce complex carbohydrates, even if you could survive technically. According to Dr. Karmally, "people need to focus less on specific nutrients and more on the consumption of whole and real foods, because they will thus get more nutritional benefits".

The three experts agree on a major dietary point: Eating real unprocessed foods should be the goal, no matter what you want. As Gustin rightly puts it, "It does not matter if your diet is low in carbohydrates or carbohydrates, anyway, the key should be to follow a 100% diet of food and whole foods.

If you are trying to determine which healthy diet is best for you, see this guide. Plus, what you need to know about carbohydrate load.

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