"Do you think I want to shoot an 11-year-old girl?": A police officer confronts boys carrying a BB gun


Updated Oct 16, 2018 5:22 PM EDT

The police department in Columbus, Ohio, released footage of a police officer's camera that received a call about two young black men armed with a firearm. When officer Peter Casuccio arrived at the scene, he found a boy of 11 and 13 years old with a realistic firearm. Casuccio had an intense exchange with the boys about the dangers of carrying a gun, claiming that he could have killed them.

The video begins with Casuccio addressing the two boys at the edge of a road. The faces of the boys were fuzzy to protect their identity. Casuccio tells them that he received a call from someone telling him "there are two young black men … They look really young and they just launched a gun." "

"Look, here's the deal, okay? You had to show someone, because how did they know you had it?" Casuccio asks the boys. One of the boys said that he had shown the BB gun to no one, he was simply holding it.

"You can not do that guy in today 's world, listen, that sounds real," says Casuccio.

The boys apologize and Casuccio begins to explain to them why it is dangerous to hold a realistic shotgun. He asks how old they are. One boy says that he is 11 years old and the other says that he has 13.

"Do you think I want to film an 11-year-old child? Do you think I want to film a 13-year-old?" Casuccio asks. The boys answer, "No, sir."

"Do I honestly look like the guy who wants to shoot someone?" he asks, what the boys say, "No, sir."

"But do I look like the type of guy who would shoot someone?" he asks, what the boys answer: "Yes, sir."

Casuccio says that he is proud to be a "very bad hombre because I have to be." He warns the boys, "Do not make me."

The agent took home 11 years old and talked to his mother. Casuccio speaks with the mother in the bodycam sequence broadcast while the video is still fuzzy to protect the identities. "I pull them up, and I'm not going to lie to you by doing cop stuff, I prepared them," Casuccio told the mother.

The officer tells the mother that her son is "panicking" and begins to remove the BB gun from his belt. "He could have shot you for that, do you know?" we hear the mother say to her son. Casuccio says that the gun has fallen, and he realizes that it was just a BB gun.

"No matter what people say about guys wearing this uniform … we care about it," says Casuccio. The officer says that he was part of the military and that as a police officer he had to do things that he hoped the generation Boys will never have to do it. "The last thing I want to do is film an 11 year old man because your life has not even started yet, and that could have ended. would not have missed, "said Casuccio to the boy.

"I could have killed you, I want you to think tonight when you go to bed, you could be gone, anything you want to do in this life could have been over," Casuccio said.

The Columbus Police Department released Tuesday the sequence of Casuccio's camera Bodyuccio, which went viral and attracted media attention. The video was published because "it was a good job on the part of an officer in a very tense situation, and we try to highlight it," PIO Sgt. Chantay Boxill at CBS News.

Columbus Police Division sure

In a notorious case of 2014, a boy from Ohio aged 12 was shot dead while he was playing with a similar fake weapon. Tamir Rice, who was black, was playing with a pellet gun in front of a recreation center near Cleveland when he was shot dead Timonthy Loehmannwho is white.

A grand jury refused to accuse Loehmann. He was fired last year after discovering that he had been deemed "unfit for service".

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