Do you want to live longer? How the young blood holds the key to the fight against aging


When Victorian novelist Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, it probably has not imagined that more than a century later, the idea of ​​using human blood for rejuvenation would be the subject of a scientific inquiry serious.

But scientists have recently proposed in the journal to pump young blood into old bodies to prevent aging. Naturein an article aimed at solving the problems posed by the aging of the world's disease-burdened population.

Professor Linda Partridge of the University College London Institute of Healthy Aging The temperature Although scientists are not closer to helping us live for all eternity, an increasing lifespan – or the length of time we can live without disease – could be significantly extended in the not-too-distant future.

"There has been all this fantastic research on animals. It's just crazy, she says. "We are really beginning to understand how aging is malleable. Now, we have to push to translate that into humans. "

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Because our blood system is easily accessible, this makes "therapeutic manipulation a particularly attractive approach, but animal research is needed to establish long-term consequences and possible side effects," the authors write.

An example cited by the authors was a 2017 study published in Nature explore how human umbilical cord plasma seemed to revitalize the function of the hippocampus – the part of the brain responsible for spatial and episodic memory – in mice.

And a separate study from 2014 published in the journal Medicine of nature found that when 3-month-old and 18-month-old mice were joined in order to share the blood, the latter saw signs of a reversal of aging. The neural connections in the brain, they found, become stronger.

blood stock Research indicates that juvenile blood may one day be used to revitalize older people. Getty Images

In another research, published in the journal Cell In March 2018, scientists identified a molecule that seemed to boost blood flow in older mice. Dr. David Sinclair, lead author of the study and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School, said: Time, "The loss of blood flow seems to be one of the first causes of aging diseases." Bodies such as the brain and muscles lose their [blood] infusion, they no longer work effectively. "

Still, picking up a gallon of young blood at the pharmacy is far from commonplace. Partridge said more research is needed to determine if the same effects seen in animals can be replicated in humans.

But companies like Ambrosia, a start-up that sells $ 8,000 worth of blood plasma to older customers, already seem convinced by what's called parabiosis. Billionaire technology entrepreneur Peter Thiel is one of the most prominent figures to have expressed public interest in the potential powers of the blood as a youth elixir. In a 2016 interview with Inc.he said, "I'm looking at the parabiosis stuff, which I think is really interesting.

Although we need a quick fix, for the moment we have to stick to lifestyle changes that will slow down aging, even though we may not want to hear them, Partridge warned.

She said, "We know we can make lifestyle changes easy: quit, do not eat too much, exercise a lot, [but] not everybody wants or wants to do it. "

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