Do your part to raise awareness and raise funds to fight the disease


In October, this is the annual breast cancer awareness month. Since its inception, the international campaign on health organized by leading charities fighting against breast cancer aims to raise awareness of the disease and raise funds for research on its cause, prevention, diagnosis , treatment and healing. I think it's important to educate women and their families about the critical importance of screening, self-testing and testing. But just as much, I want everyone to understand that the disease affects real people – real friends, people we love in our family and often ourselves.

When we think about these real people, it is easy to understand the disease not just as an "other cause", but as something for which we must personally roll up our sleeves and act. And as a person who has treated the disease personally, and who has seen family and close friends fight it, I can promise you that it is not an easy battle. But the more we know, the more chances we have. So, here are some ways to do it:

Self-check: Often, this is the first line of defense for many women. You know your body better than anyone, and checking out what's unusual with you is the best way to do it between doctor's appointments. It only takes a few minutes to do it, seriously. For the best and easiest instructions on how to proceed, visit nationalbreastcancer. org

Regular mammograms: According to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, "Overall, mammography is the most effective screening tool currently used to screen for breast cancer in most women. However, the benefits of mammography vary with age. "Make sure you're checked in the most intelligent way possible by checking their guidelines at

Beware of "pinkwashing": Many for-profit companies claiming to donate money to breast cancer organizations are actually using this promise to get you to buy their product (s), but give almost nothing their part. profits to help the cause. Before you buy, check the small print to know the actual percentage of what they give. If it's only a small fee, choose another product and spend your money on something that legitimately invests and firmly believes in fighting the disease.

Support innovative organizations: Fortunately, there are so many, so many organizations now that search for treatments and potential treatments. But I am very much in favor of one of those who is now looking for the cause – with scientists making breakthroughs in the daily environmental factors survey. Visit the Finding the Cause of Breast Cancer Foundation at findthecause I believe that we must keep our minds open in the quest to end this disease for all women – not just this month but throughout the year and until we are done.

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