"Doctor Who": 5 things from the world premiere of season 11


New Doctor Who finally landed.

The BBC's worldwide success, which has traveled back in time, launched its 11th season by avoiding the more traditional London with a world premiere in Sheffield, North of the UK.

The event on the red carpet saw hundreds of fans entertaining outside to spot the future Lord Lord Jodie Whittaker, while reporters and school kids were able to attend the screening of the season, episode entitled " The Woman Who Fell to Earth ". Then comes a Q & A with Whittaker, co-stars Tosin Cole, Mandip Gill and Bradley Walsh (who play Dr. Ryan's new friends Yasmin and Graham respectively) and new showrunner Chris Chibnall.

Before you start, though, Chibnall – best known for Broadchurch (with Whittaker also) – revealed that the projection of his first story as Doctor Who boss in front of an audience was both an emotional moment and a "recurring nightmare".

here is The Hollywood Reporterthe five takeaways of the world's first Doctor Who season 11.

The series will deal with dyspraxia

An important part of BBC America's "The Fallen Woman," aired on October 7, is dyspraxia, a neurological condition that affects physical coordination that affects about 6% of children.

Showrunner Chibnall, who has a nephew with dyspraxia, expressed his opinion that it was "important" to explore the issue within the fair which has a large number of fans among the children.

The author explained that he and the scripting team had done a lot of research with the Dyspraxia Foundation and added, "It's a relatively common thing for children, so I think it's important to see that heroes have varied shapes and sizes. This is the most important thing about Doctor Who and you will see that this will happen a lot throughout the year. "

Dude, where is my TARDIS?

When one of the Sheffield schoolchildren present at the screening asked the new model of the Doctor's travel ship, not yet seen by the public, Chibnall replied, "I do not know if we'll see the TARDIS.

Without doubt the most emblematic element of Doctor Who does not really figure in Whittaker's debut.

"It would be something we could discover in future episodes," said Chibnall.

Filming took place in South Africa for a "couple of different worlds"

Although no filming of the first episode took place in South Africa, the Doctor Who The production team made a trip there earlier this year.

"We were shooting in places that tourists can not see. It's amazing, "Whittaker said. The star praised the "epic landscape", which serves the story (for now, it has not been revealed accurately). "It made our job a lot easier," she added.

Chibnall agreed, "It looks beautiful."

According to rumors, an episode of season 11 featuring the civil rights movement and Rosa Parks would have been shot in South Africa, although the country appears to have been used for other episodes.

"We went there because we wanted to scale – we have a lot of scale in Sheffield, to be honest – but we also have another kind of scale in South Africa. "said the showrunner. and a few different worlds we've done in South Africa. "

A new star thought that a new monster was like a roll of toilet paper

Mandip Gill, who plays police officer Yasmin Khan, spoke of the frustrations of acting against "nothing" – in this case, aliens and monsters for whom the 55-year-old show is known.

Gill recalled a moment when the actors did not know what they were doing opposite: "There was one of the monsters, of which I obviously can not speak, where we all had different perceptions of what we thought. I thought it was toilet paper!

With confused faces, she added with a laugh, "And then they showed an image. We will need to see photos before starting from now! "

Familiar faces and old enemies are not excluded for the future

The secret is everything in Doctor Who, even more under the new regime, and fans are always eager to know if there will be characters (good or bad) from the Doctor's past.

But season 11 is a clean slate for the sci-fi series, and Chibnall has been clear on this point.

However, he rejects the fact that it is now the "rule" for returnees and that fans' favorites are coming back in the coming seasons.

"As he is relatively well known, I am as big a fan of the show as anyone and there are many things you would like to report," he said. "We could do it in the future, but not this year."

Guests at the premiere were also treated to an extended version of Doctor Who theme, a staple of the show since its debut in 1963, arranged by another newcomer, Segun Akinola. The latest version of the iconic theme is more refined than that of the composer Murray Gold, orchestrated in recent years. It uses samples of the original arrangement of Delia Derbyshire while raising the bass.

Season 11 of Doctor Who Chibnall is editor-in-chief and executive producer, while Matt Strevens (Star Star) and Sam Hoyle (Broadchurch) are executive producers for BBC Studios and Ben Irving (Paddington, Paddington 2) is executive producer of BBC One. BBC Studios is the international distributor.

Doctor Who is a production of BBC Studios for BBC One and a co-production of BBC America.

Doctor Who

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