"Doctor Who" Recap: Season 11, Episode 1 Premiere – Jodie Whittaker


A new era of Doctor Who officially started with "The Fallen Women," written by new showrunner Chris Chibnall, and here's hoping it's not just the viewers who were proud and had the teary shivers when Jodie Whittaker's Time Lord regenerated remember his name. "A little bit of adrenaline, a hint of indignation, and a hint of panic swept up my brain. I know exactly who I am, "she told Tim Shaw, a Stenza warrior whose inhabitants use the Earth as a test and hunting ground for ascendant leaders. "I am the doctor, I sort through the universe. Now, please, leave this planet while you still have the choice.

The protracted episode was more than our first real look at Whittaker's opinion of this iconic role – overflowing with curiosity, empathy and decency, even as the doctor's body was resetting itself. It was also an introduction to his new companions. If you knew that only three had been announced (the police officer on probation Yasmin, his former classmate Ryan and Ryan's half-father, Graham, retired bus driver), you suspect the fourth new friend of the Doctor, Ryan Grace, to meet a tragic but heroic end. And she did it. But not before she helped us understand why Ryan and Graham would be willing to travel back in time to honor his memory. To summarize:

"The tallest woman I've ever met – smart, funny, caring, special" | The episode was put on hold with Ryan vlogging (do not blame him). He was not the doctor to whom the 19-year-old paid homage, but his mother, whose knowledge it would be known, had been raising her since the death of her mother six years ago (because her father, the son of Grace, is the kind of man you can not rely on to attend Grace's funeral). Ryan has a coordination disorder and has never learned to ride a bike. Grace and Graham, her husband for three years, were hoping to fix it on a hill, but Ryan's frustration prevailed and he threw his bicycle into the trees below. While Nan and the man Ryan refuses to call his grandfather have left to take their train, Ryan has come down to pick up his bike. Suddenly, a multilayer force field appeared and he naturally pressed his button-shaped center. A giant kiss-shaped Hershey pod materializes, blue and purple and icy to the touch. Ryan pulled out his cell phone (which received a miraculous reception in this forest): "The police, maybe?", He said.

"I can do more than just parking disputes" | The young officer Yasmin (his friends) was about to call his superior to ask him to ask something that would test it – something different. Although she was naturally skeptical of Ryan's story at first, it helped them to get to know each other. By the time they were catching up, we learned that Ryan was a reluctant warehouse worker and was studying the mechanic trade (a practical companion is always good). Meanwhile, Graham and Grace's return trip came to a sudden stop when an unidentified flying object crashed into their train (a RIP operator who died as a result of an electric shock). The doors locked and the couple was stuck next to a young guy, Karl. Grace managed to call Ryan and tell him where he was before a giant reel, which may have reminded you a little of the Matrix Sentinels, hit them – and, more importantly, the Doctor crashed through the roof. Without her sonic screwdriver ("I hate empty pockets"), she could only stagger the reel temporarily. But since he was targeting Karl, the doctor deduced that it was not there to kill anyone. Yaz and Ryan arrived just in time for the reel to implant what we had discovered to be "small DNA bombs" in their collarbones and retreat.

"Am I, are I okay?" | If only all the fans had been as enthusiastic as the Doctor, it was to learn that the next incarnation of the Time Lord was a woman. The use of the term "Madam" by Yaz was the doctor's conclusion, though she still can not remember her name or the correct words for things. The Doctor raised questions they had to answer about what they had just met, but humans were more interested in his story for now. She explained that she had lost her TARDIS when it exploded and dematerialized (as seen in the Christmas 2017 special). Graham was reluctant to believe in extraterrestrials ("Do not be scared, all of this is new to you and everything can be scary," the Doctor told him), but Karl disagreed completely. He just wanted to leave, go to work and pretend that nothing had happened. Good luck with that, Karl.

"Where is my sister?" | The others went to the woods to show the doctor the pod that Ryan had found, but he was gone. A young man by the name of Rahul had taken it, because he was closely following the atmospheric changes and knew that the foreign species captured by his sister seven years earlier had just returned. The team went into recognition mode while the doctor fainted and let his body continue to reformat. His nap was interrupted when the DNA bombs were armed. She reconfigured Ryan's phone to track the origin of the signal, which led to where Rahul had taken the pod. At this point, he had opened up to reveal Tim Shaw (at first glance, a Cyberman with a fly mask and the awesome behavior of Predator). The doctor could not follow Tim Shaw on the run, so all the team could do was find Rahul's body; the video file on his computer conveniently named "If I die, click here"; and the nacelle, which the doctor could not analyze without his sonic screwdriver. "I could build one. I am good at building things. Probably!

Point out the welding and hammering fixture and the revelation of the "Swiss Army Knife" of the Thirteenth Doctor – minus the knife, because "only idiots carry knives". Chibnall clearly wanted to ensure that new viewers understand the value the Doctor places on human life. From the way she apologized for the group having to see Rahul's body and thanked nurse Grace for finding something to cover, at the tone of her voice when she said that Rahul's sister had been his family, in the way she was offended by Tim Shaw. a tooth of his victims.

Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker"Which of you should I kill first?" | Following an initial spark ("It should be fine"), the new sonic worked well to analyze the pod. The Doctor thought they were fighting two belligerent extraterrestrial species using the Earth as a battlefield, but when they found the spool, she determined it was an armed biotech – a super creature made up of collecting tentacles. of information – who had captured Karl's image.

Tim Shaw arrived at that time, but like all the Big Bads who have to reveal their past, he was in the mood to talk. Why did he pick his teeth? He took off his mask to show his face covered with them. "A stenza warrior carries his conquests," he said. To become the leader of his race, he must follow and obtain the selected human trophy without weapons or assistance. Ryan, who unknowingly granted access to the Earth in the woods, was not Tim Shaw's fault, nor could he say that the stenza lived at a life-threatening temperature for humans. But, as the doctor noted, Tim Shaw used the super coil to locate Karl and made him a "big blue cheater." Once Tim Shaw's data transfer from the reel was complete, he was gone. A double cheat.

"I am special" | Tim Shaw's next stop was the construction site where Karl operates a crane. He killed the security guard, who had just been face to face with his grandson. This detail was both heartbreaking and comforting: during those few seconds of screen, Chibnall made sure that we knew that the man was leaving the world, feeling loved and expressing his love. When the team doctor arrived at the scene to find Tim Shaw riding Carl's crane, Grace and Graham were ordered to put all the workers safe and not to return. , while Yaz and Ryan had to climb on another crane with the doctor and quickly learn how to operate it.

The plan was for Yaz to direct the arm of his crane towards Karl so that the Doctor could convince him to cross. Reciting her self-help mantras – "I'm valued, I'm special … I'm confident, I'm reaching my goals" – Karl headed for the edge, but the coil prevented the cranes from aligning. When Karl finally agreed to jump, Tim Shaw was close enough to catch him and started dragging him. The Doctor, showing the courage we expected, jumped forward to catch Karl's crane ("Those legs were definitely longer," she snapped, swaying). If Tim Shaw had not let Ryan go, she would destroy the booster she had slipped into her pod, which he would need to get home.

It was another good time to discuss. The doctor asked what the stenza do people they take: they are held in trophy rooms between life and death.

"Let it rot. It's completely obscene, says the doctor.

"They are not important," said Tim Shaw.

"Hey, I'm important," Carl joked.

Tim Shaw threatened to explode the DNA bombs if the Doctor did not make the decision. More weapons = more cheating. "The budding leader who has to cheat because he knows that he is unworthy," said the doctor. She did not think he would blow them up, but she wanted him to prove him wrong.

"We are all capable of the most incredible change. We can evolve while remaining faithful to who we are. We could pay tribute to who we have been and choose who we want to be next. It's now your chance. What about it? She says.

This is the kind of speech that led Tim Shaw to ask again who she was. Now the doctor knew (insert: those tears of happiness). Tim Shaw blew up the bombs which, unbeknownst to him, had been removed from humans, placed in the coil and transferred with the ability to follow Karl. Not one to be cruel, the Doctor threw the sleeve to Tim Shaw so he could go home. Fortunately for him, he caught him by the time Karl fired him from the crane. (That's why you will not be a companion, Karl.)

"Is it wrong to take advantage of that?" | We had seen Grace running towards danger all through the episode. It was therefore fitting for her character to disregard the Doctor's orders to stay away when she saw the coil threatening the crane on which Ryan and Yaz were still standing. His plan was for Graham to find out how to overload the reel for good while she climbed into the crane and approached it enough to zap it. She made sure that Graham (and the audience) knew that she was having fun and kissed her twice. The climb worked, all too well. Grace was propelled from the crane and fell to the ground. She survived just long enough for Graham to promise she would not be scared without her. The doctor's look when she came running – that's why you're launching Jodie Whittaker, something that Chibnall would have known about her performance as a mother whose son was murdered during his last show, Broadchurch.

"Look at you three, I will almost miss Miss Ya" | Ryan finished his vlog by swearing to learn to ride a bike and make Nan proud. He returned to the hill and started to fall several times and get up again. It was hard to watch, but the Doctor did it from a distance, seeing his determination, but it is suspected that he could also get hurt if he had no one to guide him. Graham's praise of Grace's service finally made her worthy of herself in Ryan's eyes; Graham would have liked to leave and Grace stayed. We later learned that the couple met when Grace was Graham's chemotherapy nurse. The Doctor told her future companions that she had lost her family for a long time, but she is wearing what they would have said and done with her, so they never really left. That's something Grace would have said. (And another reason Ryan and Graham will trust the doctor).

Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker

Once this crisis avoided, the Doctor was ready to face two others: first, his wardrobe (Yaz did not seem impressed by the new set of the Doctor but she paid anyway), and then, how to find the TARDIS . The Doctor reconfigured the rest of Tim Shaw's transport module to follow his unique energy. We all knew what would happen when Graham, Ryan and Yaz needed help: confused stenza technology also took them to the center of the space. That the fun starts (after understanding how they breathe – Ryan, in particular, seemed to have trouble committing). – Written by Mandi Bierly

So, what did you think of "Women who fell on Earth"? Is Whittaker a worthy successor to Peter Capaldi? Who is your first favorite companion? Hit the comments, and we'll do it again next week.

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