Doctors have found that coffee saves skin diseases


Медики выяснили, что кофе спасает от болезни кожи

It is best to feel coffee lovers who have consumed 4 servings of drink a day.

Coffee drinkers less susceptible to this disease such as rosacea, which is accompanied by skin rashes, swelling and rash, have discovered Brown University (Providence, USA).

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People who drink at least four cups of coffee a day reduce the number of unpleasant skin lesions by 20%, reports The Daily Mail. sodas), and also noted the reaction of the skin to decaffeinated.

The study revealed that it is best that sensed coffee lovers consume 4 servings of drink a day. A coffee without caffeine, in this case, to alleviate the symptoms of a nasty disease does not help anything.

Experts believe that the positive effects of caffeine are manifested by the fact that it has anti-inflammatory properties and contracts the blood vessels. As a result, redness is recorded less frequently.

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