Doctors practice breast cancer surgery live on Facebook


DALLAS, Texas – A North Texas woman has been battling breast cancer, allowing the world to take the lead in the operating room while doctors perform her lumpectomy.

Before going to the hospital today, Sonia Johnson, a resident of DeSoto, spent a lot of quiet time with her family. But this morning, the 50-year-old will be seen by the world as she undergoes a live breast cancer operation on Facebook.

Last December, during a routine visit to the doctor, Johnson discovered that she had a breast tumor. It was at that point that she became determined to use faith and positivity to defeat a disease that affects one in eight women.

"It's a moving journey, but you can not sit," she said. "You must be mentally ready to make this trip. It's a fight, it's a fight all the time. "

Johnson discovered that she was not alone in her fight and received a multitude of messages of support from breast cancer survivors – forming a kind of fraternity. She says sharing her story on Facebook is a way to help others fight the same way.

Surgeon Oncologist Allison DiPasquale, MD, will perform this operation. She spoke of her admiration for Johnson during a conversation with CBS 11 News. "This patient is courageous, she is incredible. She puts her body within reach of people to tell them, "Wow, I'm going to have my mammogram and I'm going to make sure I do not have cancer."

Johnson said she hoped that by sharing her online experience, other people would better understand one of the available treatments for breast cancer.

"Other people have paid for it before me and now, I push it and pay for someone else," she said.

During Johnson's procedure, doctors will pass under his armpits to remove his lymph nodes and cancer through the same incision. When the surgical gloves and gown are gone, Johnson plans to join the sister of the breast cancer survivors.

"I can say," I had cancer. " Right now I say that I have cancer. Tomorrow [it will be] I had cancer.

Breast surgeons and radiation oncologists will be in the operating room during Johnson's lumpectomy to answer questions from Facebook users in real time.


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