Doctors remove the 50-pound cyst in this woman's ovary


Doctors removed a 50-pound cyst from a woman's ovary after mysterious symptoms interfered with her daily life and pushed strangers to believe that she was pregnant.

Kayla Rahn, of Montgomery, Alabama, tried to lose weight but instead gained it at an alarming rate. She lost her breath on the walk to her car and cut off her favorite clothes, she told NBC 12 in Richmond, Virginia.

"I thought I was 9 months pregnant," she said. "It was frustrating and difficult."

After her mother took her to the Jackson Hospital in Montgomery, doctors located a huge mucinous cystadenoma in one of the ovaries from Rahn and immediately removed him. A gynecologist at the hospital said that it was one of the largest that he had ever seen.

 image1 [1945990] 19659006] Medical staff extracted the cyst, which weighed about the equivalent of five bowling balls, after Kayla Rahn's admission to the hospital in May 2018. </span> <span class= (Photo by Jackson Hospital)

Mucinous cystadenomas are rare and "tend to be huge in size," according to a 2010 study on cysts. The generally benign tumor can fill the entire abdominal cavity and cause twists and haemorrhages. When it is broken, it leaks mucinous fluid throughout the abdomen.

In February, a team of 24 people took a 132-pound mucinous cyst in the left ovary of a Connecticut woman after gaining 10 pounds each week for two months, reported Fox 61. The heaviest ovarian cyst weighs 328 pounds and was drained for seven days in 1905.

Although the lumps of 100 pounds are rare, ovarian cysts are not. They are a typical byproduct of menstruation and form in the ovaries in the form of fluid-filled pouches, according to the Office of Women's Health of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Eggs will typically burst through the ovarian follicles during ovulation, but when a follicle continues to grow without releasing the egg, a cyst forms. However, most cysts pass without symptoms, and only 8% of women develop outgrowths that require treatment.

Ovarian cysts are rarely cancerous, but they can pose serious health problems if they are not treated. Patients are often bedridden and have difficulty breathing when the cyst grows against the organs. Doctors have reported swelling of the legs, malnutrition and blood clots in patients, and during surgery, blood pressure may increase when the cyst is removed from major blood vessels.

Mucinous cysts are not the only doctors discovered a dermoid teratoma in the right ovary of a woman who contained hair, teeth and bones. Calle Hack, 33, said today that she has discovered the teratoma, which derives from the Greek word for "monster", after years of disabling pain of the time that has it. blacken and vomit.

Often present at birth, dermoid cysts form cysts of the remaining embryonic cells.

"It should help form a part of the body as you grow," she said. "Instead, it's a group of cells that did not scatter inside my body."

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