Doctors start acting in response to NRA


The NRA, which marked 147 years As an active organization over the weekend, writes in the tweet: "Anyone should tell the gun doctors to stay important." Half of the articles published in Annals of Internal Medicine insist on gun control, the medical community seems to have consulted no one other than themselves. "

Several tweets from doctors, including trauma surgeons and emergency physicians, included pictures illustrating what operation tables or hospital scrubs might look like after a gore injury after a gunshot wound.

In response to the NRA, Dr. Sue Bornstein, Chair of the Health and Policy Committee of the American College of Physicians, co-authored Monday's new editorial with Christine Laine, editor-in-chief of the journal. , and Dr. Dahuichman, Executive Director. .

In addition to dealing with firearms-related injuries and their long-term consequences, "we need rigorous research to better understand the crisis, test solutions, and know how to better apply and preserve those that work", did they write.

"Until now, the ability to study important issues that may contribute to reducing the number of injuries caused by a firearm has been hampered by a lack of funding and concern." researchers think that anything related to firearms could put their career in search of danger., "they wrote.

CNN contacted ANR for an answer to the editorial, but the organization did not answer.

The editorial states that Annals of Internal Medicine and the American College of Physicians are collaborating with the American Association for the Reduction of Firearm Injuries, a non-profit organization, to advance research on violence. army.

"In addition to raising funds to support research, AFFIRM aims to sponsor the development of practice-based recommendations based on reliable scientific data and education and training to implement them," wrote Taichman, Bornstein and Wool.

"As health professionals and scientists, physicians have a responsibility to look for answers to health and safety questions, and we will not have to use what we learn to take better care of ourselves. of our patients, "they wrote. "Those who seek to silence progress in finding solutions to the firearms-related injury crisis are taking a path that is literally stalling, and we will stay on our path and keep moving forward."

Why does your doctor want to talk about firearms?
Armed violence has also continued to be a topic of major interest among researchers outside the medical community. On Friday, a panel of experts on gun violence presented its latest findings and what the public can learn from them at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta.
Daniel Webster, professor and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, was among the speakers.

"Physicians, particularly trauma specialists and emergency physicians, see the end result of gun violence, it's a very brutal and powerful thing. What is obvious to many of them is that these injuries are so devastating that prevention is especially important, "said Webster.

For example, "about 60% of people who die from gunshots in the United States commit suicide, and doctors may actually play a bigger role in suicide than in homicide." They meet patients may have substance use disorders, mental health problems, a range of factors that may increase their risk of suicide, "said Webster.

"If they want to get the best health care and medical care possible, especially to keep them alive, the removal of guns is one of the most important things," he said. . "Discussing with patients and their families the need to remove firearms and store them safely is therefore very important.This is a very important role for doctors and I am very happy that many of the 39, and they charge each other. "

Jack McDevitt, professor and director of the Institute on Race and Justice at Northeastern University, was also one of the panelists. He believes that doctors can help reduce gun violence and crime by simply talking to their patients.

"What we know in the criminology literature, for example, is that when people stop committing a crime, they stop committing it, usually because of a significant person in their lives. But it's not always the same person – it can be a spouse's action "it could be a coach; it could be an employer; it could be a teacher – who influenced them, "said McDevitt.

"So, have another respected doctor's voice that says," You know, maybe you want to temporarily take the gun out of the house? "Or," Maybe you want to think about it differently? "," Here's a program that you might want to go to. "I think it does not. there is nothing wrong with that, "he said. "They can not force anyone to do anything, but they can sometimes situate it as part of" I'm worried about your health "as opposed to" I want to take off your guns. "

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