Does drinking milk cause your body to produce more mucus?


According to a new study, a persistent myth about milk, that its consumption can lead to the production of more sticky mucus in the airways of your body, is completely false.

The myth is so persistent that some parents have stopped giving milk to children with chronic respiratory diseases, such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, fearing that milk consumption will make breathing harder for their children. [The 7 Perfect Survival Foods]

But the link between milk and mucus is simply a myth, said author of the journal, Dr. Ian Balfour-Lynn, a pediatric pulmonologist at Royal Brompton Hospital in London. And when people see this myth as true medical advice, it could have serious consequences: not giving milk to children can prevent them from consuming enough calcium, vitamins and calories, Balfour-Lynn said. Studies show that children who do not drink enough milk are also more prone to fractures and shorter stature.

It is not clear exactly when the milk myth began. It is possible that it comes from Moses Maimonides (1135-1204), a philosopher and doctor who wrote that milk causes "a joke in the head". In addition, traditional Chinese medical texts have associated the consumption of dairy products with "a dampening effect and a thicker phlegm," writes Balfour-Lynn in the journal published online yesterday (September 6) in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood .

Even the influential book "Baby and Child Care" by Dr. Spock, of which more than 50 million copies have been sold since its publication in 1946, repeats this statement. A 2011 edition of the book states that "dairy products can cause more mucus complications and more discomfort with upper respiratory tract infections," Balfour-Lynn found when researching the myth.

Given the scope of the myth, it is not surprising that in a study of 345 randomly selected Australian consumers, 51 (46%) of the 111 whole milk drinkers "agreed" that milk causes mucus , according to a study published in 2003 in the magazine Appetite. However, the type of milk seemed to influence the decision of the consumers: only 30 (25%) of the 121 low-fat milk drinkers and only 12 (11%) of the 113 consumers of soymilk were in agreement with this affirmation. found.

The myth can persist because of the unique properties of milk. Milk is an emulsion, which means that it contains droplets of a liquid suspended in another liquid. (In the case of milk, fat droplets are suspended in the water.) When a person drinks milk, the milk mixes with his saliva.

Sticky compounds in saliva can increase the viscosity or thickness of milk and its volume, Balfour-Lynn told Live Science. The resulting thickness of mouth thickness and after-sensation – when small amounts of emulsion remain in the mouth after ingestion – may lead people to believe that drinking milk causes a sudden spike in mucus.

Another possible explanation for the myth is that when milk breaks down, it releases a protein known to stimulate the activity of a gene involved in the production of mucus. But this particular production of mucus occurs in the intestines, and not in the airways, said Balfour-Lynn. [10 Celebrities with Chronic Illnesses]

This mucus could affect the airways only if the intestine was weakened by an infection, which would allow the mucus to move elsewhere in the body, he added. Balfour-Lynn said this would not happen with a cold, although it's possible that it affects people with cystic fibrosis, sometimes with intestinal inflammation.

However, small studies dating back to 1948 show that milk consumption is not associated with increased mucus in the airways.

In sum, "although the texture of milk may induce some people to feel that their mucus and saliva are thicker and more difficult to swallow, there is no evidence (and even evidence to the contrary) that milk causes excessive mucous secretion. Balfour-Lynn writes in the review. "The myth of milk mucus must be firmly refuted by health professionals."

The review is important because it helps to realize that it is perfectly healthy to drink milk while having breathing problems, said Dr. Corey Wasserman, pediatrician at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York.

It's common to hear parents ask questions about the milk myth during the flu and cold season, Wasserman said. She tells patients exactly what this review has found – that milk does not increase the production of mucus or phlegm. In addition, cold milk can help moisturize and soothe the throat of a sick child who needs calories, Wasserman told Live Science.

Original article on Live Science.

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