Does Joaquin Phoenix's "Joker" video in full makeup have so many emotions in the fans?


A new actor faces DC's iconic villain, and the first look of Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker has fans so ready for its original story. Well, most fans. The Joker will not be released until October 2019, but director Todd Phillips gave the audience a glimpse that he was waiting with a small excerpt from Phoenix as a character on his Instagram. Fans can have their favorite interpretations of the Joker through the years, which is why the reactions seem mixed. While some seem to welcome the representation of the character by Phoenix with open arms, others question the film as a whole.

The short video is well placed in the 1969 Laughing title of The Guess Who. It shows Phoenix, like Arther Fleck, alone to look away and without expression, to wear jeans and clothes without makeup. The video shows Joker flashes on Arther, as he slowly grows a bewitching smile until he finally turns into a villain that fans know him. Red suit jacket He smiles and laughs before becoming totally direct.

It's just a glimpse into the original story of Arther Fleck, but promises that the stand-alone film will explain so much about the evolution of the villain. The video is already attracting a lot of fan attention, as polarized as it may be.

Some fans responded with brief Instagram comments of pure excitement as "OHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOODDDDD". But because the Joker has been channeled many times over the years, people obviously take this into consideration and wonder how this Joker will compare to others and fit into the entire DC landscape.

A fan wrote, "At first glance, I did not like it, now I can not stop looking, it's a mix of Romero and Ledger Joker." (Cesar Romero played the Joker in the 1960s Batman The series and Heath Ledger played the character in Christopher Nolan's modern film series before his untimely death in 2008.) Another fan wrote the following comment on the Instagram post, "Oh my God, I love him. This is because I'm going to be hyper-critical of everything, but Joaquin Phoenix never disappoints … If the film feels like that's how you feel, then you're going to break it.

And of course, there are skeptics. A fan questioned the video and the premise of the film by writing, "What makes the Joker so terrifying, so captivating and so horrible is its vague origin. said, it certainly piqued my interest. "

A few days before the release of the video, Phillips revealed Phoenix's first photo. And even the first photo sparked a debate among fans and aroused mixed reactions. One person commented on the photo, writing: "Anyone who thinks it's not" scary "or" inefficient "has no idea what a real performance is, what is the depth of characters. " Another wrote: "A little disappointing".

It's true that you can not please everyone, especially these days. Given the history of the Joker and his unique place in pop culture, Phillips and his team certainly have a lot to do.

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