Does multimedia tarnish your brain? This scientific journal thinks


Does multimedia tarnish your brain? According to a new study, whether for work or for leisure, it may be boring to switch between the large number of media platforms in the world saturated with today's communications.

In modern society, it may be more difficult to escape the multimedia "noise" than it has ever been. Mobile ads adorn public transport, social media occupies free time, and smartphone notifications can invade almost every moment of our lives.

There are positive aspects because people receive information from almost every angle. But what are the risks? According to a new study by Anthony Wagner, director of the Stanford Memory Laboratory, it would seem that going from one platform to another on multiple media platforms is tarnishing the brain.

In "Minds and Brain Multimedia Multitasking," published in the scientific journal PNAS, Wagner and Melina Uncapher of the University of California are leading a decade of cognitive research.

This suggests that there is a trend that people who use multiple media channels have difficulty performing simple tasks in memory. Wagner had already conducted a study on the subject in 2009.

A total of 100 topics were divided into groups that regularly engaged in media multitasking and those who did not. During a test, participants had to remember a simple two-step flashing scheme. Those who admitted heavy multitasking were less successful than others.

"A lot of people working in the media may be writing an academic article on their laptop, occasionally checking out Stanford's basketball game on television, answering SMS and Facebook posts, then resume writing, "Wagner told the newspaper.

"In the review, we noticed a new interesting potential story. One possibility is that reduced working memory occurs in heavy multimedia multitasking because they are more likely to experience attention failures, "he said.

Asked whether people should be wary of the constant permutation between mediums that tire the brain, Wagner said individuals could "choose to be cautious".

"Many of us had the impression that our technology and media controlled us – the email chime or text tone required our attention. But we can control this by adopting approaches that minimize the usual multitasking; we can decide to be more thoughtful and thoughtful users of the media. "

So there you have it. Put down your phone for a moment. Your brain needs a break.

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