Does Ted Cruz approve Beto O 'Rourke in this tweet or does his racism only show?


Texas Democrat Beto O'Rourke, hoping to replace Republican Senator Ted Cruz in the US Senate, says unarmed black Americans should not be killed by police at home.

Cruz apparently disagrees.

Before the two candidates debated Friday night in Dallas, Cruz took Twitter to attack his opponent. But that seemed to be more of an endorsement.

"In the words of Beto O'Rourke," the Republican candidate tweeted, with a video of O'Rourke speaking in a church about another unarmed black American killed by a white policeman.

"How is it that today, in that same year, in this community, a young African American man in his own apartment is killed by a police officer?" Said O. Rourke in the newspaper. video. "And when we all want justice, facts and information make it possible to make an informed decision, what is made public? That he had a small amount of marijuana in his kitchen.

O & # 39; Rourke was referring to the recent murder of Botham Shem Jean, a black Texan who was killed at his home on Sept. 6 by agent Amber Guyger. .

Just hours after the murder, the police obtained a search warrant and subsequently published what they found in the local news: marijuana.

"They immediately started to mess it up," Lee Merritt, who represents Jean's family, told The Associated Press.

"How can this be right in this country?" O'Rourke asked the congregation in the video posted by Cruz. "How can we continue to lose the lives of unarmed black men in the United States of America in the hands of white police? This is not justice. It is not us It can and must change. Are you with me on that?

We can see the crowd applauding the candidate.

Twitter users quickly seized Cruz's obvious self-possession:

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