Does the moon of blood signal an apocalypse? The world will not end according to astronomers


The total lunar eclipse of 2018, commonly called the Moon of Blood, does not bode the end of time despite what some religious leaders believe.

Earlier this month, Pastor Paul Begley said that the Blood Moon was prophesized in the Bible. , and predicts the coming of the end of time according to The Express . The apocalypse, offers Begley, is justified by textual evidence found in the book of Joel, book of Revelation, and Acts chapter 2.

Doomsayers of a more radical religious band refer to to the relevant section contained in the book of Joel on the back their apocalyptic affirmations, citing the following passage from chapter 2, verses 30 and 31.

"And I will show wonders in heaven and on earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun will be changed into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord. "

This section is taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.Other versions of the Christian text are even more disturbing in their reading of the last verse, including the New Living Translation which is the only one. one of the most circulated versions of the text.

"The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn red blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord arrives. "

The Book of Revelations also contains some very similar prose, reading chapter 5, verse 12 of the New Living Translation: the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. as dark as the black cloth and the moon has become as red as the blood. "

Pastor Begley ended with the following admonition:" Study the scriptures and discover that the Blood Moon was prophetically prophesied from the last days, look at all the signs. "

Apocalyptic preachers may want to cover their wagers, however, as astronomers pray to differ on the subject. Hasan Ahmad Al Hariri, an astronomer who works for the Dubai Astronomy Group, has made it clear that the Blood Moon is in fact a natural heavenly phenomenon and should not be interpreted as a sign of an impending end of life. ;humanity.

"This kind of superstitions surrounds this kind of phenomenon.We tell everyone that none of this is true, it is a very natural event that can be observed." Hariri said after Metro

Hariri told reporters that the lunar eclipse is a geometry of three different bodies that make the moon turn bright red.

"Now, how is it? When the sun, the earth and the moon are lined up, the shadow of the earth falls on the moon and we see what we call the" moon ". lunar eclipse.Usually, during the lunar eclipse, which we see about twice a year in different parts of the world, the moon passes in a short time above or below the shadows in partial levels or at rapid speeds, but this lunar eclipse has a unique character because it starts from the center and this geometry makes the eclipse the longest to observe in a century. "

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During the eclipse, sunlight refracted into our atmosphere will make the moon appear to the naked eye. The same particle effect, formally known as Rayleigh scattering, is responsible for the magnificent sunrises and blue skies of our planet, something covered in the previous report on the Inquisitr Blood Moon ] Irvin Baxter, president of Ministries of Finals, remains unconvinced of the scientific argument according to Metro. " The Bible teaches that the end event just comes before us now and that it will be the greatest prophetic achievement in the last 2,000 years."

It should be noted that Mr. Baxter has regularly predicted the end of days since at least the mid-1980s and has yet to be proven correct.

The Moon of Blood, or the total lunar eclipse, will take place on July 27 and 28.

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