Dogs and Fireworks: Fear is not all in their heads


For many Americans, July 4th is a firework display. For many dogs, these fireworks mean nothing less than terror.

People who saw their good dogs shaking for fear of the thunderclaps or whistles that accompany modern pyrotechnics will probably not be surprised to know that 45% of dogs According to a study published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science [1965-19002] to this must be added the dismantling of many restrictions imposed by states on individuals who set off fireworks, and it is enough to traumatize just about any puppy

. Conversation reported last year that only three states – Delaware, Massachusetts and New Jersey – have banned residents from buying any kind of fireworks. Since then, New Jersey has relaxed its restrictions to allow non-explosive and non-aerial fireworks, such as sparklers, smoke bombs and poppers.

From 2000 to 2017, the conversation doubled. Meanwhile, animal shelters have reported that their busiest days are July 4th and 5th because the animals that fled for fear of the fireworks are returned and many panicky owners are looking for

The Animal behaviorist Corey Cohen, who is based in Pennsylvania, writes in his blog Path of Friendship that dogs have a biological response to the loud sounds that accompany fireworks.

"When our dogs are exposed to loud sounds, there is an adrenaline release and an increase in cortisol hormone, as well as changes to their amygdala, hippocampus and parts of the frontal cortex of their brain, "says Cohen. "In other words, the brain changes as a result of loud noise, producing anxiety." Our dogs are particularly vulnerable for this purpose during the summer months when thunderstorms prevail and during the 4th of July celebrations, where fireworks are lit in some neighborhoods all day and all night. "

  Animal behaviorist Corey Cohen says dogs can be traumatized fire noise Artifice.

Carla Baranauckas / HuffPost

Animal behaviorist Corey Cohen says dogs can be traumatized by the sound of fireworks.

So, how can you help your dog go on vacation?

"The best thing we can do for our friends when they are stressed is to allow our dogs to choose their own coping strategies, as long as they do not hurt themselves," Cohen says, "Our dogs are intelligent and self-determined beings who can find coping strategies to help them cope with frightening situations and regain a sense of homeostasis."

For some dogs, the coping strategy may be to hide in a space, perhaps under a piece of furniture.For others, a distraction, such as playing with a toy or a ball, can help alleviate stress. Dogs who regard their cages as safe spaces may feel better there, even though Cohen says that not all dogs will find their comforting cages.

"One of the best ways to comfort our dogs is touch, "says Cohen." The massage sweet and easy is a great way to stimulate oxytocin, a natural antidote to adrenaline. The technique is not so important. It's just the close, loving physical touch that helps. "

Cohen says that there is a bright spot in all of this." When you connect with your dog while trying to help alleviate stress and fear, "you may find that sharing from this experience brings you a closer and more confident relationship, and by helping you through this difficult time, you deepen your friendship. "

  Helping your dog through the stress associated with July 4th fireworks can deepen your friendship, behavioral animal C

Carla Baranauckas / HuffPost

Helping your dog through the stress associated with July 4th fireworks can deepen your friendship, animal behaviorist Corey Cohen says.

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