Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre keep their titles on the shield at Hell In A Cell


Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre, two newly crowned RAW team champions, had their hands full Sunday night at Hell In A Cell.

The new champions took on Shield's team of intercontinental champion Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. After Rollins worked with iggler and McIntyre early in the game, Ambrose and McIntyre clashed until a distraction allowed Ziggler to eliminate Ambrose, giving Drew the advantage .

Drew and McIntyre worked on Ambrose on their side of the ring until a label was made in Rollins. Rollins eliminated Ziggler with some offense, including a sling and a big kick. As Ziggler rolled outside, Rollins took a big step forward, but McIntyre tripped him. Ziggler ran for a DDT and a near fall. McIntyre then came back and used his power to work on Seth. He and Dolph took turns with Rollins.

Ziggler locked in a sleeper and Rollins slowly tried, unsuccessfully, to get out and go to his corner. Rollins eventually broke the hold and McIntyre was scored. Rollins went for the mark, but Ambrose was knocked down by McIntyre.

After a new McIntyre offense, Rollins fought to get the flag to Ambrose, but the referee did not see him. As Ambrose argued, Dolph and Drew teamed up on Seth in the corner and continued in attack. Dolph took Seth in the lead for a superplex, but Rollins managed to push him back. He finally hit a blockbuster on McIntyre's corner. Shortly after, he did the hot tag and Dean and Drew got into the ring.

Ambrose eliminated both opponents and went to get Dirty Deeds on McIntyre. Drew avoided it and Ambrose rode for a near fall. Ziggler got into the ring with Ziggler, allowing Drew to put it aside and take it out. On the outside, Ambroise fought back and sent Drew into the post and Dolph into the barricade.

McIntyre was sent back to the ring and Dean went upstairs. He came out of the top but Drew caught him and threw him around the corner with a belly at the exit of Suplex. Ambrose scored while Dolph was also registered. He sent Dolph out of the ring and then made a suicide plunge on the outside, but his opponents caught him. At that moment, Ambrose plunged alone.

Back in the ring, Rollins hit a falcon arrow for a close fall on Ziggler. Dolph avoided a Curb Stomp but Rollins hit a Buckle Bomb for a near fall. At this point, the match broke down with everyone in the ring. Dolph finally hit the Zig Zag for a close fall as the crowd burst. Rollins and Dolph were left in the ring with the other two on the outside.

McIntyre came in and received a Rollins superkick for his efforts. Seth climbed up for a frog splash and hit him for a near fall. The crowd was really hot at that time for each fall. Ambrose and Rollins left for Drew, but Dolph broke the score. Rollins went for a ride on Ziggler on the outside but found himself empty. Drew then gave Ambrose a big clothesline in the ring. Ambrose fought with a double team move and left for the Dirty Deeds, but was pushed into the label for Rollins. Seth then climbed up and hit a superplex. He rolled over and went for a suplex, but McIntyre ran and hit the Claymore Kick on Rollins process. Ziggler covered for the pinfall.

It was really a fantastic match that is worth going out of your way to watch.

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