Dolphin & # 39; Superpod & # 39; Spotted Racing along Monterey Bay: get to know the Short-nosed Common Dolphin


Short-billed dolphins are often confused with common long-billed dolphins. These are very social and playful creatures that we can often see coming out of the water at high speed. ( NOAA Fisheries )

A "superpod" of dolphin is seen crossing Californian waters last week, attracting the attention of many people who marveled at the sight. What is a superpod and what are the interesting facts about the common dolphin?

Dolphin 'Superpod'

A "superpod" of dolphins fascinated many people as hundreds of energetic creatures were spotted as they raced through California waters in pursuit of baitfish. While it is common for common dolphins to hunt in pods or groups of about 20 to 30 dolphins, the "superpod" or "mega-pod" consists of several pods. In this particular case, hundreds of dolphins were observed hunting together.

The video was taken by Patrick Webster of the Monterey Bay Aquarium and he states that if such events are quite common, which is rare, they were seen because they were close to shore, while .

Common dolphin with short beak

Short-nosed dolphins, as their name suggests, are one of the most common and abundant dolphin species in the world. They look very much like their close relatives, the long-beaked common dolphins, and are often mistaken for them, but their appearance, size and habitat preference are very different. In fact, both species were once considered a single species of dolphin.

What distinguishes Bottlenose dolphins from long-billed dolphins is actually a color pattern called an hourglass. It is called as such because of the color pattern that gives the creature an hourglass-like pattern on its skin.

Short-billed common dolphins are very energetic and playful creatures that we often see come out of the water and do somersaults at high speed. They are very active at the surface and it has been observed that they swam alongside ships and large whales for long periods of time. It was even observed that they were swimming alongside dolphins and striped dolphins.

They usually rest during the day and feed at night when they can dive up to a thousand feet to feed on school fish.

Although they are not considered Endangered or Threatened, they are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The entanglement in fishing gear and hunting, especially in Japan, Russia and some Black Sea countries, where dolphins are hunted for meat and oil, is one of the main threats to dolphins short-nosed.

As such, protection groups work to protect dolphins by reducing the interactions between creatures and commercial and recreational gear, to react to dead, injured or entangled dolphins, to minimize the effects of dolphins.

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