Dominic Raab tells the conservatives' nervous & # 39;


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Legend of the mediaDominic Raab: "It's time to play for the team"

Brexit's secretary said the conservative "feared" about negotiations with the EU "is understandable," but he urged MPs to remain vigilant while talks continue.

"The end is in the perspective of a good deal, the price we want … and I think my colleagues should wait to see what it looks like," said Dominic Raab.

This comes amid speculation in newspapers that Theresa May may face a vote of no confidence from angry Conservative MPs.

Andrew Bridgen, MP, said the Prime Minister "drank in the living room of the last chance".

The backbench told the Mail Sunday that she was scheduled to attend a meeting of the 1922 Conservative Backbencher Committee this week.

"The bad news for her is that the bar is already dry."

Referring to a possible vote of no confidence against him, he said: "If it does not show up in the 22nd, the letters will come in even faster".

Last week, some Conservative MPs were upset by a suggestion that the "post-Brexit" "transition period" designed to bridge the path between the UK's departure from the EU in March 2019 and a future relationship in the long term with Brussels – could be extended.

The former conservative leader and prominent Brexite scholar, Iain Duncan Smith, said the UK would pay "tens of billions" to the EU, adding that the negotiations "looked more like capitulation" .

Mr. Raab told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show that he was "open-minded" about the possibility of extending the transition period – which the government calls the implementation period – of 39, about "about three months" if necessary, provided that it is clear the UK would come out of it.

"There must be something that allows us to control the time we are there to avoid believing that we are left indefinitely in some kind of customs union limbo." It would not be acceptable.

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He said: "We are at the end of the negotiation.

"I think it's understandable that there are worries on all sides in this debate and we need to keep our cool.The end is in sight: a good price – the price we want – a good deal with the EU and I think my colleagues should wait to see what it looks like. "

He added: "We do not want to bring something back because we are not convinced that it is a very good deal for the UK But now is the time to play for the team. I think it's so that we get the best deal for the EU and I also think that's what the country expects from us. "

When asked if, realistically, the withdrawal agreement could still be negotiated after November, he replied, "I think that if we go beyond, we would have a problem with the implementation of the agreement, and that would be almost the worst case – we'd have an agreement, but could not implement it in time. "

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Legend of the mediaConfused by Brexit jargon? Reality Check decompresses the basics.

The UK voted in favor of leaving the EU by a margin of 51.89% to 48.11% in a referendum in June 2016.

Its departure is scheduled for 29 March 2019, but during the post-Brexit "transition period", which will last until 31 December 2020, relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union will remain largely unchanged. part unchanged.

If at the end of this period, a long-term "future relationship", including a trade agreement, is not ready, both parties agreed on the need for provisions to ensure that customs controls do not occur. There is no need – a "hard border" – between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, in the meantime. This is what is called the "backstop".

The problem is that both sides have yet to agree on the form and duration of protection.

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Legend of the mediaOn Saturday, huge crowds gathered in London to demand a new referendum on the EU

On Saturday, protesters took part in a huge march on London's Parliament Square to demand another referendum – this time on any final deal on the negotiated Brexit. The organizers say that it has attracted about 700,000 people.

Keir Starmer, secretary of Brexit in the shadow of the Labor Party, said the march reflected "a much larger group, Leave and Rest. [voters], who completely lose confidence in the Prime Minister's ability "to bring back a good deal.

He added: "I think no one thinks that this 30-year civil war within the Conservative Party on Europe will end before Christmas.

"What we are going to see is that even if there is an agreement, the conservative party will try to tear it up next year – some of them already say that They will do it – so this idea of ​​a historic moment just before Christmas in the national interest is not going to happen, they will not stop fighting for it.

"We are facing the very serious situation in which people are saying to themselves," Is this government really capable of keeping its commitments because it is so divided? ""

At the same time, Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has criticized statements by anonymous and anonymous conservative sources about May's future as a conservative leader, which has led to a headline in the Sunday Times. : "PM enters the" destruction zone "".

The Mail on Sunday reported that a high-level "plot" had told him "bring your own knot".

Ms. Sturgeon tweeted:

And former Conservative Minister Lord Lilley told BBC News that the wording was "unpleasant and unpleasant": "On the other hand, this type of wording should not be used".

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