Don Lemon, CNN host: 'Biggest terror threat in this country is white men'


CNN Anchor Don Lemon declared Tuesday night that the biggest terror threat the country faces today is "white men" and that something needs to be done about them.

Mr. Lemon made the comments while talking to fellow Chris Cuomo about last week's killing of two black men at a Kentucky supermarket in an apparent hate crime. It's just days before Saturday's mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue and a rush of pipe bombs. All of the perpetrators appear to be white men.

Mr. Lemon said he did not like to demonize people but he did not think it would be a problem.

"I keep trying to point out to one another and to one ethnicity. But he said, "he said, dismissing the migrant caravan heading for the southern U.S. border as a real threat to security.

"We have to stop demonizing people and make the biggest threat in this country," he said. "And we have to start doing something about them. There is no one. There is no ban on – they had the Muslim ban. There is no white guy ban. So, what do we do about that? "

Mr. Lemon then apologized to Mr. Cuomo for getting political shots in the Kroger supermarket shooting – 69-year-old Maurice Stallard and 67-year-old Vickie Lee Jones – are "being lost" in the dialogue.

"You're making the right point," Mr. Cuomo responded. "You're covering the right story, and I appreciate you for that."

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