Donald Trump and his family would have received millions of dollars in secret. An asset Org. lawyer called the unfounded lawsuit


President Donald Trump and his children made millions while they swindled the working class and aspiring entrepreneurs with the promise of lucrative commercial contracts, according to a new lawsuit.

The class action filed on Monday alleges a simple goal behind complex enrichment "by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people who are looking to invest in their studies, start their own business and pursue the American dream."

Trump recruited potential investors by talking to them about a "great opportunity" at ACN, a multi-level marketing company, says the lawsuit. Trump told potential investors that he had done his own research and that he was not sponsoring the company for money, court documents said.

"Not a word of it was true," said the lawsuit, which claims that Trump and his children have secretly received millions of dollars from 2005 to 2015 to support ACN. Trump knew that it would be a waste of money for many inexperienced investors, according to the complaint.

The lawsuit said the four unidentified plaintiffs had been courted in the investments – including a $ 499 registration fee – after seeing Trump in promotional videos. None of them has made money.

The Manhattan federal trial names Trump as a defendant, along with his children, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, and the Trump Corporation. Legal claims include misleading advertising, fraud and negligent misrepresentation. The Trumps are also being sued for connecting to two other companies.

Alan Garten, an attorney with the Trump organization, told the New York Times that the allegations were old, unfounded and that the trial – coming a few days before the mid-term elections – was politically motivated.

In a statement, ACN stated that the company had a "business relationship" with Trump that ended with mutual agreement when it presented itself to the presidency. "As with any supplier, company or individual with whom we may have a business relationship, their views do not necessarily reflect the views of ACN or its co-founders," the statement said.

In November 2016, Trump agreed to pay $ 25 million to settle cases alleging deceptive practices at Trump University, supposed to teach students the secrets of Trump's mastery of real estate.

Trump settled without admitting his responsibility.

The New York State Attorney General's office has also taken legal action to dissolve the Trump Foundation, a charity. Trump has wrongly used the charity as a piggy bank to help him with his marketing and his 2016 presidential campaign. Trump is fighting the case pending before the Manhattan Supreme Court.

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