Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin plan a summit: Our President remains suspiciously eager to please


Donald Trump finally got his summit with Vladimir Putin. He has been pushing for this for months, looking almost desperate in recent weeks to spend time with the Russian president. The last time they had a private discussion, it was at the G20 meeting in Germany almost a year ago. Many things have happened since then. The boys have a lot of catching up to do.

We do not know exactly what is going on with the office of Special Adviser Robert Mueller because his staff is not fleeing. But you can not help but feel that the President and his congressional acolytes know something because they behave with a more manic intensity than usual. . On Thursday, House Republicans grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as if they were suspected of being moles for al Qaeda. It was doubtful enough that Rosenstein, who has always been a very petty fellow, almost lost his temper with Rep. Jim Jordan, a Republican of Ohio Liberty:

Accusing the Deputy Attorney General, under oath, a cover-up in the framework of a convoluted conspiracy theory aimed at concealing the president's collusion with the Russian government is one of the most daring examples of 'working references' That the GOP has ever designed. Some Republicans are clearly trying to get the FBI and the GM to question their actions and look over their shoulders, at the very least. At worst, they set the stage for giving the president a false base from which to draw the investigators. Whatever their ultimate plans, they take the pace with frenzy.

President Trump tweeted this before the hearing:

After all this time, Trump continues to say that the Russian government had nothing to do with the election l & # Interference, which even his lockstep advocates in Congress have accepted as fact. In fact, it is almost as if this was becoming a signal:

Considering Trump's pressure in the Mueller investigation, scheduling a summit with Putin and defending him publicly is a bizarre strategy unless he needs to communicate something. But it seems almost hopeless to deliver [somethinglike.

It was also strange that Trump had stood on the White House lawn en route to the G7 summit in Canada and, uninvited, wanted Russia in the group. This was not on the agenda or at the top of the list of important issues. Once again, Trump is under investigation for possibly conspiring with the Russian government . It is therefore extremely strange that he raises this issue unless he felt compelled to do so. He discussed it again at the meeting, and apparently it was more controversial than we knew at the time.

Axios reported that Trump said of the next meeting of NATO, "It will be an interesting summit: NATO is as bad as NAFTA. dear to the United States "(He just said after his stupid comment that Crimea belongs to Russia because everyone speaks Russian.)

Trump complains that the countries of NATO have not paid since he started his presidential campaign. According to the New York Times, it is wrong to believe that "there is a treasure from NATO to which members owe their dues, and that allies are late on their payments ". In fact, each country sets its own level of military spending and has grown by about $ 87 billion over the past four years. (I think Trump is wrong in the Times.) He thinks NATO members are paying the United States for "protection" and he wants them to pay more.)

Whatever be the reasoning of Trump, But do not ask yourself if this annoying riff will not be his excuse to end the alliance, just as he tore up the Paris Treaty on Climate and the agreement with the # 39; Iran. The European allies are certainly worried about this possibility, and there is no doubt that it would please Vladimir Putin very much.

This is not the only "deliverable" Trump has tried to gather before the big meeting. CNN reports that Trump has raised privately the idea of ​​withdrawing US forces from Syria to Jordan's King Abdullah because he "believes that he can reach an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin on a so-called exclusion zone in southwestern Syria. "This should undoubtedly appeal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is allied to the Russians, as well as to the Iranian government.

As reported by Josh Rogin of the Washington Post, Trump did his best to destabilize the European Union, which is also a useful goal for Putin. Obviously, when French President Emmanuel Macron visited the White House, Trump suggested France leave the EU, telling Macron that he could get a better deal directly with the United States (this suggests such ignorance that it is hard to believe that Macron's head does not explode.As everyone, he has to deal with the man.) At a rally this week Trump said: "The European Union, of course, was created to take advantage of the United States, to attack our piggy bank. "As Rogin points out, Trump has rejected American allies since he's run for presidential elections, but he's become a lot more aggressive about it." Even though Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and others have tried to downplay his scornful attitude, the rest of the world is no longer optimistic that all of this is just flagrant.It seems that the President of the United States be really determined to break long-standing American alliances in order to benefit Russia.

To our knowledge, he has not asked the Russians anything in return … Even if he did, he would probably do the same kind of agreement that he did with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-a – give up something valuable in exchange for a nice party and a show It was reported this week that new satellite images indicated that North Korea was rapidly upgrading its nuclear research center. Oops

Trump can not seem to resist a strong man. They dazzle with their attention and their "respect". But even by these standards, Putin seems to be a special case. Trump is now running against the clock to deliver something tangible to the Russian president, even if the political risks are monumental for him and for the country. One has to wonder if he is trying to beat Mueller's investigation or Putin's term.

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