The budget documents show that the Trump administration has transferred nearly $ 10 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to the ICE during the summer, just before the season of the hurricanes.

President Donald Trump may soon contact you via your mobile phone.

On Thursday, the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) will conduct a test of the national system that will allow the majority of mobile phones to receive "presidential alerts". The goal is to warn residents of national emergencies, such as dangerous weather conditions.

The alert system "provides the president with the ability to communicate with the country during a national emergency," FEMA said in a notice posted on its website.

The test must take place at 14:18. AND thursday

Some mobile phone users will receive a message with a header saying "Presidential Alert". The text will read: "THIS IS A TEST of the national wireless emergency alert system, no action is needed."

But not everyone agrees with the notion of presidential notice.

"I do not want that," said Saturday the actress Alyssa Milano. "How are we withdrawing, @fema?"

Looks like Milano is not lucky.

Under federal law, users can disable alerts for "imminent threats" and AMBER alerts about kidnapped children, but "not for presidential messages," warns FEMA.

Thursday will mark the first national test of "wireless emergency alerts". Congress authorized the public safety alert system in 2008. It started operating in 2012 and was used at the regional level.

The agency, already struggling with the effects of Tropical Storm Florence, could delay the warning system test until October 3 in the event of a major climate disruption, but FEMA said Saturday that Thursday's test was still in progress.

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