Donald Trump condemns Medicare for all as a gateway to socialist America


On Wednesday morning, President Trump said in an editorial that a centrist democratic party no longer existed and accused the Liberals of pursuing socialism with their "Medicare for All" plan.

"The truth is that the centrist democratic party is dead. New Democrats are radical socialists who want to shape the US economy after Venezuela, "the US president wrote in USA Today.

Trump said that "Medicare for All" is the first step towards a socialist America of Venezuela.

The president criticized the progressive health care plan and said that "Medicare for All" was a threat to Americans, especially for the elderly.

"In practice, the so-called Medicare for All of the Democratic Party would really be Medicare for None. According to the plan of the Democrats, today's health insurance would be forced to die, "he wrote.

Mr Trump argued that by promoting a state-run scheme, the options, including the various health insurance plans and private supplementary insurance, would be virtually eliminated for old people.

Secondly, private and employer-provided insurance offering benefits similar to "Medicare for All" will become illegal, the president said.

The "Medicare for All" schemes have been promoted by self-proclaimed Socialist Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but they have also been adopted by traditional Democrats, such as former President Barack Obama.

A single-payer bill is not about to be legislated: Republicans who currently control Congress repugn it, and it scares centrist democrats who would prefer a more limited expansion of the taxpayer funded insurance.

However, the project of Senator Bernard Sanders, independent of Vermont and other progressive polls, is relatively good and has been gaining ground since mid-November, so the administration is retreating.

Administration officials said the best way to proceed was to pressure the poor people of Medicaid and expand the choices in the Obamacare market.

Mr. Sanders said that people should not worry about increasing costs for taxpayers because consumers would no longer have to pay massive premiums to private insurers.

Mr. Trump said that "Medicare for All" was linked to the wider goal of "open socialism at the border" of the Democrats, which included repressive measures in the area of ​​immigration control.

"Every citizen will be affected by such a dramatic change in American culture and life," Trump wrote. "Practically everywhere it has been tried, socialism has brought suffering, misery and decay."

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