Donald Trump criticized for falsely claiming that Obama had the same policy of separation of immigrant families


The president went on Twitter to attack "60 minutes" after a report on his government's policy of separating immigrant children from their families.

Donald Trump is criticized for claiming that his policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the US border was the same as that used by Barack Obama, a claim that critics call a lie.

Asset took to Twitter Sunday to attack a 60 minutes report on its border separation policy. The report noted that the Trump administration had slowly relaxed its policy, starting by setting up parts of it last year. Trump had previously claimed that the policy was out of reach and blamed the Democrats for failing to settle immigration policies before changing course and ordering the shutdown of the policy. In his tweet on Sunday, Trump asserted that "fictional history" distorted his policy and that they "knew we had exactly the same policy as the Obama administration".

Trump added that images broadcast in the media earlier this year and showing children of immigrants in detention centers had been taken in 2014 by Barack Obama. But as the Hill noted, Trump's claim was misleading.

"Trump has repeatedly claimed, misleadingly, that his administration's policy was the same as that of former President Obama," the report notes.

"The Obama administration certainly separated some children from their parents at the border, but it was not a" zero tolerance "policy and it was not as common as under Trump. "

The report then added that the former director of the White House's Domestic Policy Council, led by Barack Obama, had already explained that the 2014 photo was taken during the wave of unaccompanied children's passages. . As a result, none of the children in the photo mentioned by Trump had actually been taken from their parents.

A number of other reporters have used Twitter to defeat Trump's request, including Washington monthly contributor David Atkins who called a "lie".

Trump's statements of anger on Twitter came just hours after border guards fired tear gas at migrant families near the US-Mexico border. Trump has tried to restrict the rules for asylum seekers and threatened to close the border, but critics say it is legal for these families to cross the US border when they apply for asylum.

Images of migrant women and children fleeing tear gas spread across social media, effectively counteracting Trump's intransigent stance on immigrants. the 60 minutes report showing that the Trump administration's planning regarding family separation policy has added to the criticism.

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