Donald Trump crushes a wedding again


This is the chair. On Friday night, guests at Donald Trump's Bedminster golf resort in New Jersey saw the president come in to say hello – and they rushed to kiss the bride on the cheek. The crowd went crazy.

The wedding crasher landed after landing in his Marine One helicopter while Gerald Papa and Jenna Buchholtz got tied up at the Trump National Golf Course, reported TMZ, who received a video of the quick tour. "We like you," shouted one of the guests. After Trump apparently shook the groom's hand and posed for a quick photo, he moved.

"Oh my god," a woman can be heard saying that Trump is coming out.

Trump crushed weddings at his properties in the past as president, smiling and waving photos. The hint of a quick salvation from the president's wedding days was even used to promote the Bedminster property.

If the president is on hand for your big day, he will probably stop and congratulate the happy couple. says a station brochure obtained by The New York Times that is no longer used.

Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump married Jared Kushner at the club in 2009.

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