Donald Trump declares that China is interfering in mishaps with Republicans because "we are gaining on trade"


President Donald Trump has further increased the chances of success with China, now accusing him of attempting to interfere in the upcoming mid-term elections.

He made this claim as he chaired Wednesday morning the United Nations Security Council, which was discussing weapons of mass destruction.

Trump told the meeting: "Unfortunately, we found that China was trying to ingest our next elections against my administration.

"They do not want us to win because I'm the first president to challenge China in trade and we win on trade, we win at all levels. We do not want them to interfere or interfere in our upcoming elections, "said Trump.

RTS22XCS Donald Trump, as President of the United Nations Security Council, accused China of interfering in the upcoming US elections at the 73rd session of the United States General Assembly on 26 September in New York. REUTERS / Carlos Barria

Earlier this week, China canceled trade talks with the United States after Washington imposed new tariffs on $ 200 billion worth of Chinese products and products. For its part, China has responded by imposing tariffs on $ 60 million worth of US goods.

The high-level delegation was due to visit Washington before Vice Premier Liu He's visit, which was also canceled.

Beijing's criticism of Washington's plan to sell arms to Taiwan adds to tensions. Meanwhile, in a Wednesday editorial, English, language China Daily said that Beijing "would respond to US provocations".

"Now that the Trump administration is actively seeking to challenge China 's interests on the economic and military fronts, one wonders if Washington wants to permanently damage Sino – US relations," the editorial continues.

"And since the Trump administration is trying to get rid of all the principles that govern bilateral relations in a desperate attempt to meet its own goals, China should not only prepare for the worst but also respond to US provocations."

Chinese State Councilor Wang Yi warned of an escalation of rhetoric at a meeting on the sidelines of the US General Assembly session with the former secretary of state secretary. State Henry Kissinger, who played a key role in the relationship with China.

"China and the United States may have competition, but should not use the Cold War mentality to see each other, nor should they fall into the trap of a zero-sum game" Wang said.

"Recently, some US forces have continually blackened the name of China, creating an antagonistic feeling that has seriously damaged the atmosphere of Sino-US relations," he added.

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