While President Donald Trump crosses the red states before the midterm elections, he chooses immigration and opposition to confirmation by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. (October 19)

President Donald Trump on Saturday crowned the beginning of a three – day campaign in the West: he called the "defeatist" Democrats "socialists" while minimizing discussions about tensions with the government. Saudi Arabia regarding the murder of a dissident journalist.

At a rally at the Elko Airport in Nevada, Trump, increasingly confident, had predicted that Republicans would surprise citizens in their fight to retain control of the House and of the Senate.

"I like our position in the election," said Trump, echoing the arguments he'd also presented in Montana and Arizona in the last two days. "We will win everywhere."

Democrats are also confident of winning Congress in the November 6 election, saying voters know that Trump's plans will weaken health care and cut taxes and regulations to serve the rich.

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At a rally Saturday in Las Vegas, former vice president Joe Biden said Trump had weakened the security of the United States by alienating long-standing global alliances.

American values ​​"are torn apart by a president who speaks for himself; it's all about Donald, "said Biden, campaigning for Nevada Democratic Senate candidate Jacky Rosen.

More: Do you want a democratic "blue wave"? Hope for a clear sky.

Trump appeared in Elko on behalf of Senator Dean Heller, R-Nevada, a Republican President struggling financially and facing a tough reelection fight against Rosen.

By maintaining his strident attacks, Trump denounced the Democrats as "an angry, ruthless, distraught crowd". He accused them of supporting "radical socialism" on the economy, of "opening borders" on immigration and of having launched unjust attacks upon the confirmation of the judge of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.

MoreTrump raises the rhetoric of immigration before the western swing

"All the Democrats want is power," said Trump, while predicting success in states such as Arizona, Montana, Florida, Missouri and Nevada.

Just before the rally, Trump asked Twitter to work with the Democrats on the issue of immigration, while continuing to attack them. He distinguished Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer from New York and Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi from California.


President Donald Trump, speaking at a rally in Montana, congratulated Republican Representative Greg Gianforte for criticizing a reporter last year, saying the lawmaker was "my guy".

"If the Democrats stopped being obstructionists and united, we could draft and pass new immigration laws in less than an hour," Trump said on Twitter. "Look at the unnecessary pain and suffering they are causing, look at the horrors at the border, Chuck and Nancy, call me!"

Schumer and Pelosi said it was Trump who was blocking an immigration deal because he wanted it as a political issue.

Trump did not mention during the rally: the announcement Friday by the Saudi authorities of the arrest of 18 people for the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The journalist, frequently criticized by Saudi leaders, died after a fight inside the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

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On Friday, Trump called the statement a "good first step," but further investigation is needed. He also said that he would hesitate to harm the US alliance with Saudi Arabia and stressed the importance of arms sales to the Saudis by Americans.

Critics accused Trump of helping Saudi officials conceal complicity in the killing of Khashoggi, an American resident who wrote for the Washington Post.

Fred Ryan, CEO and publisher of the post, said that Saudi Arabia had repeatedly lied about Khashoggi's disappearance and that she was now offering a hiding rather than an explanation.

"President Trump, Congress and the leaders of the civilized world must demand to see verifiable evidence," Ryan said. "The Saudis can not be allowed to fabricate a solution that saves the face of an atrocity that seems to have been directed by the highest levels of their government."

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