Donald Trump expects new letter from North Korean Kim Jong Un


President Donald Trump has said he is awaiting a new letter from North Korea's top leader, Kim Jong Un, in a context of blocking their nuclear talks.

Trump said the letter would be sent to him through the intermediary of state secretary Mike Pompeo and contain "a very positive statement of what he said about me and what he said. he said about denuclearization during the Trump administration, according to Associated Press.

This would be the first direct correspondence between the two since the Republican leader canceled his diplomat's visit to Pyongyang last month. Announcing plans to suspend the trip, Trump accused Kim of pledging to denuclearize in exchange for peace and the lifting of sanctions, as well as an ongoing trade dispute with China.

Although Trump criticized the progress of negotiations last month, he concluded his tweet: "I would like to extend my warmest greetings and respect to President Kim, and I look forward to seeing him soon!"

RTX68SW1 President Donald Trump and North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un have signed documents in Singapore on this photo, published on June 12 by the Korean Central News Agency in North Korea. KCNA / Reuters

On Thursday, a high-level South Korean delegation returning from direct talks with Kim in Pyongyang said the North Korean leader intended to completely denucleate Trump's first term and that the South Korean chief of security Chung Eui-yong that he has never said anything negative about President Trump, "according to Reuters.Mr Chung said that Mr. Kim had expressed" his frustration at the doubt raised by some parties of the international community as to its desire to denuclearize, and asked us to convey its message to the United States ".

That same day, Trump tweeted his appreciation for what Kim said: "Kim Jong Un from North Korea proclaims" unwavering faith in President Trump. "Thank you to President Kim, we will do it together!"

Trump and Kim entered unknown territory in terms of relations amid decades of hostility between the United States and North Korea. After the division of the Korean peninsula by the Cold War powers in the United States and the Soviet Union, the two halves entered the war with Communist China supporting North Korea and the United States supporting South Korea.

Two generations of the Kim Dynasty and a dozen US administrations later, North Korea has developed nuclear weapons and missiles capable of delivering them around the world, arguing that this defense was necessary to counter the hostility from Washington. Trump doubled economic sanctions in a "maximum pressure" campaign and traded threats with North Korea throughout the year, but became the first US president to meet a North Korean supreme leader.

GettyImages-997169002 This combination of photos shows Kim Jong Un's North Korea's letter dated July 6 to President Donald Trump (in Korean on the left and in English on the right), published on July 12 on Twitter. "A very nice note from President Kim of North Korea," said Trump next to a copy of the letter dated July 6. DOUGLAS CURRAN / AFP / Getty Images

Reports have since been released, suggesting a slowdown in denuclearization efforts, raising concern among US officials who question North Korea's commitment to the deal. South Korea has nevertheless made progress in the unprecedented peace effort, favoring the development of diplomatic relations, and Kim mentioned in her meeting with South Korean officials "dramatic moments and good agreements in which no one never thought have been made this year. "

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has met Kim at two rare inter-Korean summits this year and is expected to meet Kim and Trump on two visits later this month.

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