Donald Trump falls in the ear of a deaf



Colin Powell, who served as head of the State Department under George W. Bush, took advantage of an opportunity on national television on CNN to make it a hit movie by President Donald Trump.


For starters, this time he called the White House immoral; condemned the administration for its suppression of illegal immigration; and called on Trump to avoid the "we, the people" of the Constitution in favor of a "me the president" approach.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

But Powell has been on an anti-Trump speech for years.

He should realize that Trump's supporters, faced with the arguments of Never Trumpers, simply deepen their support for Trump.

"We are moving away from the agreements, the alliances we had before," said Powell. "The president travels to Europe to attend a NATO meeting, but he starts by insulting some of the other participants, our allies. America must examine herself.

For what exactly? To get out of bad chords?

Trump, who partly fought America out of terrible agreements – the Iranian nuclear deal that undermines Western and Israeli security, the horrific trade pacts that have fueled global wealth at the expense of ingenuity and the economy Americans – just keep his campaign promises. It is not surprising that it ends these agreements; that's what he promised voters.

These are agreements that do not work for America and Trump, the president of America First, is taking decisive action. That's what good leaders do.

But Powell, who has always had a problem with this president, calls him immoral.

"My three favorite words in our Constitution are the first three words:" We, the people. We people, "he said. "Recently, it became me the president as opposed to us the people. You see things that should not happen. How can a president of the United States stand up and say that the media is America's enemy? Did he read the first amendment? … If we continue to do things like this and create additional cracks, it will not serve well on the international stage. I hope the president will realize that he should really stop insulting people. "

This, from the guy who was criticized in September 2016 for criticizing Trump, in emails made public, a "national shame" and an "international pariah" that fueled the "racist" "baker" movement against Barack Obama .

The thing is though: Trump supporters are now a little over-excited, feeling a bit raw and angry after a very perverse left-wing attempt to destroy Brett Kavanaugh's character, reputation and career – make this supreme court Judge Kavanaugh. Powell's anti-Trump attack is bad timing.

It simply appears as an integral part of the movement to destroy the conservative characters.

And while people may be listening – because his face is on the television screen – the fact is that Powell's ability to influence is nil. His opinion of Trump does not matter.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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