President Donald Trump kicked off his rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, announcing to all who were on the way to Hurricane Michael that the nation's thoughts and prayers # 39; accompanied him. He says no effort will be spared to help Florida recover. (October 10)

As Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle on Wednesday night, President Donald Trump traveled to Pennsylvania to urge supporters to vote Republican in next month's parliamentary elections.

Trump, who has already criticized his predecessor, Barack Obama, for campaigning eight days after a hurricane, said at a rally at Erie that he needed a Republican Congress to protect his actions as president.

"We need these votes in DC," said Trump.

During the speech, Trump took credit for the economy, border repression, new trade policies and the recent confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh; he claimed that Democrats want to "impose socialism" and called them "the party of crime" that will try to kill his agenda.

He attacked the "radical democrats" for opposing Kavanaugh and told their supporters that they could "vote to reject the shameful behavior of the Democrats" by supporting the Republican candidates in mid-November.

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Trump also made an obscure joke about the Me Too movement dedicated to fighting sexual assault.

Noting that he was the first Republican to bring the state of Pennsylvania since 1988, Trump said: "They did not quite understand it, but I understood it .. There is an expression, but according to the rules of Me Too, I am not allowed to use this expression anymore, can not do it.It is the person who fled. "

Democrats noted that Hurricane Michael had begun to cross the south while Trump had engaged in a negative campaign.

"And Florida and Georgia are devastated," tweeted Joe Lockhart, former press secretary to President Bill Clinton.

Nancy Patton Mills, chair of the Pennsylvania Democrat Party, said Republican and Trump candidates were defending a program that harms workers. "As with their tax plan and their attempt to scrap health care, they will always help, along with their millionaire friends, at the expense of Pennsylvanian work," she said.

Cable television networks have not relayed the Trump event, opting instead for continued hurricane coverage.

In 2012, Trump criticized President Obama for organizing campaign events more than a week after Hurricane Sandy hit New York and New Jersey. "False!" He tweeted at the time.

Trump began his speech by offering thoughts and prayers to people facing the storm, especially in the Florida Panhandle. "This is an important project, one of the most important we have ever seen," said Trump, adding that his administration was working with the governors of all the states that were victims of Hurricane Michael.

"We will be going to Florida very soon," said Trump.

Earlier, Trump had told the press that he had decided not to postpone the Erie event because it would have been "unfair" for supporters who started queuing early. during the day.

"In the meantime," he said, "we've covered it very well in Florida – from the White House and from here, since the plane, and we'll be back very soon . "

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