Donald Trump is pleased with the agreement reached between Ford and China, says the tariffs


President Trump announced Sunday that a CNBC report on Ford Motor Company had abruptly killed a proposed sale of a small Chinese-made vehicle in the United States, evidence that its tariff war was working.

"That's just the beginning – this car can now be built in the US and Ford will not pay any fare!", Tweeted Mr. Trump.

The president is ready to impose tariffs on Chinese goods worth 267 dollars, bringing the total amount of duties to more than 500 billion dollars.

Trump said Friday that the new rates were "ready for use".

China threatened to retaliate if the Trump administration applied the new tariffs of 25%.

The two countries have already engaged in a quarrel of tariffs of about $ 50 billion on each country's exports.

The Trump administration uses tariffs to force China to abandon unfair trade practices and theft of US intellectual property. But China has not moved.

The escalation of the trade war between the world's two largest economies has rocked investors and business leaders.

Ford executives said sales plans to sell the Chinese-made Focus Active would cost jobs and hurt the company's sales.

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