Donald Trump Jr. rips the media on the cover of Kyrsten Sinema


SUN CITY, Arizona – US Senate candidate Martha McSally campaigned with Donald Trump Jr. in a Republican fortress on the Phoenix Underground. His Democratic opponent, Kyrsten Sinema, rallied his supporters in a telephone bank in Phoenix.

Thursday's events in the final days of the Senate Senate campaign were released by Republican Senator Jeff Flake, who reflects their divergent tactics throughout the tight race.

Sinema is committed to meeting voters, organizing small events and rallying supporters in order to win the independent centrist vote in the state of Arizona, in red. She avoided calling on reputable Democrats, such as former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden, who have been far fewer candidates in other states.

This is a stark contrast to McSally's use of President Donald Trump and other GOP figures to appeal to the conservative Republican base.

In his 15-minute speech, Trump's eldest son, a member of the Sun City retiree community, focused on his father's leadership and complaints that news agencies do not treat the Conservatives equitably. He also criticized the media for claiming to have treated Sinema's discs with soft gloves.

"They (the news agencies) are literally trying to turn a socialist into a capitalist," Trump told a crowd of about 300 people at a rally to improve GOP voter turnout next week.

Sinema has focused throughout the election on centrist voters, independents and Republican women. She did not bring in great Democrats like Obama, a polarizing figure who could turn off some in the middle. Instead, she focuses on health care, education, and issues related to veterans.

"I think a good candidate spends her time talking to voters, listening to them and focusing on their needs," she said in an interview Thursday. "We hit 160,000 doors over the weekend. It is a campaign work that involves listening to people and working hard to gain their individual support. "

McSally is a two-term congressman representing a swing district in southern Arizona. She moved right this year as she faced a three-way Republican primary. McSally criticized the media for failing to hold Sinema accountable for the comments she had made years ago, before she sat in Congress.

"Sinema is Chuck Schumer's No. 1 rookie," McSally said of the Senate's largest Democrat, drawing spectators' attention.

Sinema is a congressman with three members representing a district covering part of Phoenix and the suburbs of Tempe. She has earned a reputation among the most moderate members of the Democratic caucus, frequently voting for Republican-sponsored legislation.

On Thursday, she backed the president's efforts to send troops to the US-Mexico border, although her position could hurt her among Liberal Democrats.

"Our customs and border patrol officers, when they need help, it is our country's duty to send them help," she said. "And I have been supporting this for years, and I want to make sure we do everything in our power to maintain the security of our borders. It has not changed.

McSally has embraced to appear in public with the highest leaders of his party. She was in Yuma, near the border, with Vice President Mike Pence last week and with Trump at a rally in Mesa, a suburb of Phoenix, about two weeks ago.

McSally endorsed the president's record on economic growth and said she worked with him on improving border security.

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