President Donald Trump said that the number of troops deployed at the US-Mexico border could reach 15,000. Trump said that this measure would seek to prevent the entry of a caravan of migrants from Central America. (October 31)

President Donald Trump kicked off an end-of-campaign campaign Wednesday in eight US states by stirring up Florida Republicans about immigration, an emotional issue that excites voters from both parties.

"We are getting ready for the caravan, people, you do not have to worry about that," Trump told his supporters at a rally near Fort Myers, Florida, adding that a "vote for Democrats is a vote to liquidate US borders."

At the same time, Democrats said Trump's targeting of migrants would push their constituents to the polls, helping their party gain control of the United States House and the US Senate.

For days, Trump ransacked a "caravan" of Central American migrants located hundreds of miles from the US border. threat of send up to 15,000 soldiers to guard this border; and spoke of a decree aimed at putting an end to citizenship, even though lawyers have claimed that he could not.

Claiming that it costs the United States "billions of dollars," Trump called birthright citizenship a "crazy policy." This is a constitutional right, however, and legal scholars say the 14th amendment clearly gives citizenship to anyone born in the United States, even if their parents are undocumented.

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Immigration is important for the base of Trump's most ardent supporters, political analysts said, and is likely to weigh on Republicans' voter turnout in the Nov. 6 elections. It can also motivate Democratic voters, including fast-growing Hispanic communities in highly contested Congressional districts.

"It could help in the short term in the Red States (Republicans), but I think it hurts Republicans in the areas of influence and among young voters," said William Kristol, editor of The Weekly magazine. Standard and conservative critic of Trump.

Democratic strategist Lis Smith has described Trump's approach as "a single basic strategy that threatens to turn against Republicans in this election and beyond." The GOP is already having problems with suburban voters, young voters, college graduates and Latino voters – who reject rhetoric and anti-immigrant policies ".

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Ben Ray, a spokesman for the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, said the Republicans were struggling on the issue of immigration, while "the Democrats have focused on the number one problem for voters, Health care".

Trump and his aides say that they are confident in the fact that voters are in agreement with them on illegal immigration. Trump told the crowd in Florida that Democratic lawmakers "will not give us any vote on border security."

To be sure, Trump hit other notes during the rally for one hour.

With an emphasis on the economy, Trump has touted tax cuts and government regulations. He cited the increase in military spending and the cancellation of the Iran nuclear deal. The president also criticized the "far left media" for trying to "sow anger and division" among politically divided Americans.

While visiting Florida, Trump promoted campaigns of Republican candidates Rick Scott, the current US Senate candidate governor, and Ron DeSantis, who is seeking to replace Scott as governor.

Trump will likely continue to tackle the issue of immigration on polling day Tuesday. Over the next five days, Trump is expected to campaign in Missouri, West Virginia, Indiana, Montana, Georgia, Tennessee and Ohio, as well as another Florida visit. .


It's an awesome site to see Air Force One Land. President Trump was in Estero for a rally.
Fort Myers News-Press

The issue of birthright citizenship has created a break between two of the country's two leading Republicans, Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin.

In an interview with WVLK radio station, Ryan said that Trump was constitutionally unable to terminate citizenship, which required legislation and possibly an amendment to the Constitution.

"I think in this case, the 14th Amendment is pretty clear and it would involve a very, very long constitutional process," Ryan from R-Wisconsin told WVLK Radio.

This comment was not welcomed by the President.

"Paul Ryan should focus on holding the majority rather than giving his opinion on Birthright Citizenship, something he knows nothing about!" Trump tweeted Wednesday afternoon.

"Our new Republican majority will work on this issue," he added, "Eliminating Immigration Leaks and Securing Our Border!"

Scott Jennings, political advisor to Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Said that "immigration" remains one of the issues that elicits the most intensity for Republicans, but he doubts that this changes a lot of voters at this point.

"I seriously doubt that people – Hispanic or whoever else – are just now to know Donald Trump's point of view on immigration, "he said.

More disturbing, he said, are recent events that have shaken politics: mass murder in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the arrest of a man for sending bombs to pipe to the opponents of Trump and the recent downturns in the stock market.

"It's not good for the nation to appear vacant a few days before the elections," Jennings said. "I think the GOP has garnered a lot of votes in several states before the recent events."

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