Donald Trump prides himself on keeping America's nuclear war


"A lot of good conversations with North Korea – things are going well! … In the meantime, no rocket launch or nuclear tests in 8 months, all of Asia is delighted … Only the opposition party, including Fake News, is complaining, otherwise for me we would be at war with North Korea now! "

There is a tendency – in the midst of all the wild assertions and of the strange capitalization – to lose sight of what Trump claims in these tweets. In this one, he literally says that the United States would be in armed conflict with North Korea – a nuclear power – if he was not the president.

Which is, uh, a pretty important claim.

This is in keeping with Trump's broad vision of his role on, well, everything. In situation after situation, Trump sees himself as a great man of history, someone who bends the courts of the country to his will.

"I joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat people who can not defend themselves," said Trump in his speech to the Republican National Convention. "Nobody knows the system better than me, that's why I can only fix it."

I. Alone. Can. To repair.

  Donald Trump is pretty sure he's nailing this whole thing. thing

That's how Trump sees things. If it had not come, the United States as we know it (or at least, as it knows) would have ceased to exist.

He stressed that thinking in a speech in June 2016 – as he sought to nail the Republican nomination. Here are some of the highlights of this speech:
  • "The choice in this election is a choice between withdrawing our government from special interests, or yielding our last piece of independence to their total and total control." [19659012] "When I see the dilapidated roads and bridges, or the dilapidated airports, or the factories that move to Mexico or elsewhere, I know that all these problems can be solved, but not by Hillary Clinton … – Only by me . "
  • " My message is that things have to change – and that's our only chance to do it, it's our last chance to do it. "

The Trump Campaign Message was simple: Things are going to hell. Elect me or they will become even worse, and we may never be able to fix them.

  A Historic Week For Donald Trump

And, As President, He Maintained This Same Kind Of Rhetoric – Insisting That In The Alternative Universe In Which Hillary Clinton would become president, weapons would be illegal, criminal gangs would roam freely in American cities, and yes, we would be at war with North Korea.

In a May speech at the National Rifle Association's annual convention, Trump repeatedly painted an image of America under the threat of Democrats.

"Your rights in the Second Amendment are under siege, but they will never be under siege as long as I'm your president," he said at one point. In another, he warned: "Democrats and Congress Liberals want to disarm law-abiding Americans at the same time as they are releasing dangerous criminals and wild gang members into our streets."

At the root of this fundamental rhetoric call: It foments fear and throws the world as a very, very dangerous place – and then promises that as long as people vote for it or support it, it 's safe. will take care of everything.

mixture of fear and comfort. Everyone wants to feel safe, feeling like nothing could hurt them. Especially when they are led to believe that danger and threat – hell, even war – is hiding everywhere.

The trick that Trump has drawn – at least for some of the public – is to convince them that he alone is holding evil at bay and, without him, the forces of chaos and destruction will be lost. soon devolve in a hellscape open borders, unbridled unemployment and nuclear war.

It is impossible to know if he really and truly believes or understands just the political power of this message. But the end result is the same regardless of Trump's motivation: A population – or an important chunk of the population – who believes that opposing Trump means supporting the end of America as we know it.

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