President Donald Trump takes the victory turn after an October employment report, saying Democrats would reverse the economic momentum they won in the House of Representatives. But he added, "It could happen." (November 2nd)

President Donald Trump announced Friday that the Republicans were doing well, but he also acknowledged that Democrats could gain control of the US House.

"It could happen … could happen," Trump told his supporters at a rally at the Huntington Airport, West Virginia, adding that they should not not be afraid if Democrats won after polling day on Tuesday.

"Do not worry about that – I'll just understand," Trump said.

Trump said he was more optimistic about the possibility of retaining control of the Senate by Republicans, while he was delivering a section speech that was attacking Democrats over taxes, immigration, business regulations and other issues.

Making a wink to the locals, Trump also told the West Virginians that Democrats would close their coal mines when they regained power.

"They are anti-coal people," said Trump.

The president held a second rally a few hours later in Indiana, where Republican Mike Braun confronts practicing Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly in a Trump state with nearly 20 points. Trump did not characterize the chances of the GOP during the second round.

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Trump used both rallies to joust with his predecessor Barack Obama, who just hours ago at a political rally in Miami had criticized the president for his rhetorical attacks against migrants, Democrats and the media.

"In the last weeks of this election, we have witnessed repeated attempts to divide our speeches with rhetoric designed to make us angry and fearful, in order to exploit our history of racial divisions, ethnic and religious opposing each other, "Obama said.

Obama accused Trump of "a political coup" by sending troops to the border in response to the caravan of Central American migrants located hundreds of miles from the United States. The 44th president also accused the 45th person of threatening the freedom of the press with inaccurate attacks against the so-called "false news".

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Respondent in West Virginia, Trump accused Obama of lying during his tenure on the impact of the Democratic Health Plan, negotiating bad trade agreements with countries like South Korea and sued journalists for revealing secrets of national security.

"Lying after lying, broken promise after broken promise," said Trump.

Trump also mocked Obama for suggesting "how I should be nicer with the" fake news "… no, thank you."

Speaking at the second rally in Indianapolis, Trump said that Obama had spoken to a "very small crowd" and had drawn attention to the Democratic's middle name – Hussein – by plotting the letter. "H" in the air with his finger.

Obama said at his rally that the current president was a lie. Inviting voters to forge a Democratic Congress, Obama said: "I hope we can eliminate the lies, block the noise and remind us of who we are called to be."

Trump attacks Republicans across the country. Between today and polling day, the President is to travel to Indiana, Montana, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio, and Missouri.

In West Virginia, Trump was campaigning for Republican Patrick Morrisey, who won some polls against incumbent Democratic Senator Joe Manchin.

"It will be five very exciting days," Trump told reporters as he left the White House for West Virginia. "I hear we're fine, but we'll let you know on Tuesday night, you'll know it before, I guess I'll do it."

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