Donald Trump Says South Korea Does Nothing Without Our Approval and Will not Lift Sanctions on North Korea


The United States has dispelled the possibility that South Korea may lift sanctions on their mutual foe North Korea, arguing that Seoul would not take action.

Kang Kyung-wha said Wednesday that "a review [of the issue] is underway, "according to the official Yonhap News Agency." She then clarified that "there is a need for a review of the impact of sanctions against the framework of sanctions on North Korea on the basis of dialogue and denuclearization in South -North relations is proceeding. "

Kang's remarks were made with some concern at Pyongyang's role in a deadly naval incident, and in the White House, where Trump outright dismissed the possibility of South Korea acting unilaterally to improve relations with North Korea.

"They will not do that without our approval," Trump said, according to the Associated Press. "They do nothing without our approval."

GettyImages-1039468490 President Donald Trump (R) and South Korean President Moon Jae-in a sign of a bilateral agreement in New York, September 24. Moon has been promoting diplomacy with North Korea, while Trump has put the elusive authoritarian states of denuclearization at the top of his agenda. NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / Getty Images

In addition to international sanctions targeting South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has been instrumental in the development of the South Korean President. The incident, for which North Korea denied responsibility, was one of many limited naval clashes to take place since the two Cold War satellite states fought an all-out war in the 1950s.

Unlike his conservative predecessors Lee and Park Geun-hye, both of whom have been sentenced to imprisonment in the past year, current South Korean President Jae-in has found a diplomatic solution to the country's decades-spanning conflict North Korea. Tensions flared between Pyongyang and Seoul's top ally, the U.S., last year, but North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong A set for the potential for new peace talks during a New Year's address.

Moon has met with Kim in the United States, while Trump became the first sitting U.S. President to meet in North Korea ruler in June and planned to see Kim again sometime after the midterm elections in November. North Korea has pledged to denuclearize in exchange for better relations with the U.S., but despite positive posts exchanged between Trump and Kim, Washington officials have displayed skepticism toward the young leader's motives.

Seoul, on the other hand, has gone forward with a number of bilateral projects designed to the world's most heavily fortified, Washington's liking. Kang replied "yes" when lawmakers asked her Wednesday if Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was displeased with South Korea 's decision to enter into a military dispute in North Korea.

GettyImages-1046989736 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (L) talks with Kang Kyung-wha at the presidential Blue House in Seoul on October 7. Pyongyang hopeful about North Korea's commitment to denuclearization, but the administration has said it would not lift sanctions or declare peace until such a process was complete. AHN YOUNG-JOON / AFP / Getty Images

While Kim has praised the Trump administration for its willingness to engage on the issue, North Korea has also urged South Korea. Since the first-ever inter-Korean summit in 2000, the two countries have officially maintained a policy of pursuing reunification "By Our Nation Itself," a phrase often used by North Korea's state-run media to downplay outside influence in a united Korea.

The official Korean Central News Agency published an article Monday in commemoration of the "Era of Independent Reunification, Peace and Prosperity Ushered in by Great Love for Nation." The piece praised Kim's efforts in working with South Korea to find peace, without mentioning any U.S. role.

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