Donald Trump: The climate will come back again & # 39;


Following a report from the global scientific authority on climate change warning that governments around the world must take "swift, far-reaching and unprecedented change in all aspects of society" to avoid Disastrous levels of global warming, he was asked Trump views on climate change during an interview on "60 Minutes" of CBS.

Trump replied, "I think something is going on, something is changing and it's going to change again, I do not think it's a hoax, I think there's probably a difference, but I do not know if it's made by the man. "

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Recoil climate regulation

Trump's belief that climate change may not be man-made should not be surprising – this is reflected in many policies that have defined his first term. Although it may be perceived as progress, he acknowledged that it was not a hoax, but his belief that climate change will resolve itself is clear from the way his government canceled many directives on climate change from the Obama era.

Here are some of the controversial climate measures taken by the Trump administration:

  • In 2017, Trump announced that it would pull the United States out of the 2015 Paris agreement – the landmark agreement by which countries pledged to reduce carbon emissions – making states United States the only country in the world not to adhere to the agreement.
  • In August, the administration announced its intention to freeze the greenhouse gas emissions standards of automobiles imposed by the Obama era. He also proposed removing the preemption exemption from the California Clean Air Act, which allows the state to set its own emission standards. California and about a dozen states that abide by its rules account for about one-third of all passenger vehicles sold in the United States.
  • In September, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a proposal that would ease Obama's demands on how energy companies monitor and repair methane leaks.
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  • The EPA wants to roll back the Obama's Clean Energy Plan, which aimed to reduce the country's carbon emissions by one-third by 2030, compared to 2005 levels. EPA's proposed clean affordable would ensure that the regulation of coal-fired power plants returns to the state level, which should boost the coal industry and increase carbon emissions of the United States .
  • Trump signed a decree in 2017 lifting a moratorium on new coal leasing on federal lands, which was put in place by the Obama administration. Environmentalists have long criticized this type of leasing, saying that coal companies paid so little for their leases that taxpayers actually subsidized coal production.
  • In 2017, Trump signed a decree preventing the government from enforcing climate regulation, saying it had harmed US companies. The decree canceled the 2013 Climate Action Plan, which aimed to reduce carbon emissions, prepare infrastructure for the impact of climate change, and make the United States a leader in climate change. in the fight against climate change. It also canceled an executive decree creating a Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, tasked with preparing the United States for the impact of climate change.
  • A provision of the 2017 Tax Law Revision Act opened up the possibility of oil and gas drilling at Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In early 2018, the Department of the Interior announced that it was planning to allow drilling in almost all US waters.
According to the report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based on current levels of greenhouse gas emissions, the planet will reach 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels by 2030, which will reduce the risks of extreme drought, wildfires, floods and food shortages for hundreds of millions of people.
According to NASA, "97% or more" of climate scientists agree that global warming trends over the past century are most likely due to human activities, and most of the world's leading scientific organizations have issued statements supporting this position.
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